4C Natural Hair Care Tips for Beginners

Natural hair care basics for new naturals, transitioners, and veteran naturals alike. If you are thinking of doing the big chop or already have, or are in the midst of your transitioning journey...if you still have a relaxer and just want a peek into natural hair care...if you've been natural for awhile and just need a few tips and tricks, we're here for you too.
662 Pins
Haitian Black Castor Oil Uses and Kreyol Essence Review - Naturally You! Magazine
For healthy, thick, growing hair try Haitian black castor oil. Castor oil has been used for thousands of years. The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks knew of its value in skin and hair care preparations, and it still remains in use around the world tod
5 Reasons Your Hair Doesn't Retain Moisture - Naturally You
If your hair stays dry no matter what you do, read this. #naturalhair #teamnatural #naturalhaircommunity #naturalhairproblems
Q&A with Hair Loss Specialist Taneice Chavers
Hair Loss Specialist Taneice Chavers answers our questions on hair loss - what causes it, how to prevent it, products and techniques that can help. #naturalhaircommunity #teamnatural #naturalhaircare #naturalhairproblems #naturalhairloss
Choosing the Best Shea Butter for Your Hair & Skin - Naturally You
Not all shea butter is created equal. #naturalhair #naturalhaircommunity #teamnatural #sheabutter #naturalhairproducts
Our Favorite Natural Hair Tools - Naturally You
My favorite natural hair tools after 20 years natural. #teamnatural #naturalhaircommunity #naturalhairtips #naturalhairhowto #naturalhairjourney
Unique Natural Hairstyles for Long Hair - Naturally You! Magazine
Check out these unique natural hairstyles for long hair, perfect for special occasions or just because.
5 Easy Protective Styles for Natural Hair [VIDEOS] - Naturally You
Protective styles can help reduce breakage and allow you to retain more length. Protective styles can be anything from a simple bun or braid to elaborate updos. They keep your ends tucked away and allow minimal manipulation of your hair from day to day. In the videos below, we share a few favorite easy protective styles for Black women with natural hair. #naturalhair #naturalhaircommunity #teamnatural
Natural Hair Events (Updated 2020) - Naturally You
A huge list of natural hair events around the world. Philly, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, Raleigh, Atlanta, Birmingham and more. #naturalhair #naturalhairexpo #teamnatural
Unique Natural Hairstyles for Long Hair - Naturally You! Magazine
Check out these unique natural hairstyles for long hair, perfect for special occasions or just because. #teamnatural #naturalhairstyles #naturalhaircommunity #longhairdontcare #bighairdontcare
10 Common Causes of Natural Hair Breakage - Naturally You
So many little things we do each day cause our hair to break and seem to never grow - are you doing anything on this list? #naturalhaircommunity #teamnatural #naturalhair #naturalhairproblems #naturalhairmag #4chair #type4hair
Share Your Big Chop Story - Naturally You
Did you big chop? If so, we want to hear from you! Please fill in the following questionnaire to share your story of returning to natural hair. The best stories will be featured on this site!
5 Reasons Your Hair Doesn't Retain Moisture - Naturally You
Why your hair won't stay moisturized and is still dry after moisturizing. Learn what to do when your hair just doesn't seem to retain moisture. #naturalhair #teamnatural #naturalhaircommunity #shorthairdontcare #twa #minifro #miniafro
How to Moisturize Natural Hair - Naturally You! Magazine
Everything you need to know about moisturizing your natural hair. #naturalhair #naturalhairmag #4chair #teamnatural
Natural Hair Events (Updated 2020) - Naturally You
Check out our master list of natural hair expos, conferences and events around the world.
Haitian Black Castor Oil Uses and Kreyol Essence Review - Naturally You! Magazine
For healthy, thick, growing hair try Haitian black castor oil. Castor oil has been used for thousands of years. The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks knew of its value in skin and hair care preparations, and it still remains in use around the world tod