
112 Pins
Small world dinosaur swamp-tough spot planted with grass seed last summer and allowed to mature :) Rain did the rest
Early years education – Lincolnshire County Council
Creative Areas - Weaving outside with a builders tray
DIY Indoor Hanging Planters that Add Style to your Space
Reusing plastic bottles in an interesting way. Indoor plant display.
The Benefits Of Free Flow Play - Early Years Careers
Many nurseries today offer free flow; this allows children to independently choose to move between the different environments.
orig. Foto AK Sylt Westerland Kinder Haus Gebäude um 1925 Café Waldidyll • EUR 28,00
Kinderhaus Sylt Kinderspielhaus Gartenhaus Kinder Spielhaus Holzhaus Strandhaus 2 • EUR 699,00
Use toilet paper rolls to start your plants Carrots are simple to sprout in any container deep enough to accommodate the roots. Starting carrot seeds indoors is an easy way to protect seedlings and get a head start on spring planting.
The Garden House Preschool
Birds, nests & eggs... how does a bird make a nest? (Play based learning, Reggio Inspired Preschool in Singapore - The Garden House)