LL Kids Crafts

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Samantha Cieslinski | The Running Wine Mom on Instagram: "DIY birthday fun! 🎉 Create a ‘birthday cake’ out of stacked boxes and let the kids unleash their creativity with stickers, paint, markers, and more. Perfect for a memorable and mess-tastic celebration! 🖌️🎂✨ #BirthdayFun #DIYBirthdayCake #KidsActivities #CreativeKids #BirthdayCrafts #DIYPartyIdeas #KidFriendlyFun #ArtsAndCraftsParty #CelebrateCreativity #FamilyTime"
Sibia Torres Padilla | DIYs on Instagram: "A few years ago when we were looking at the Christmas decorations for sale I realized these paint samples look just like little houses. I had been a fan of using paint samples and crafts for a while and it dawned on me that this would be really simple and cute for our window display. this is an almost free craft that you can do and it’s a lot of fun for the kids too. All you need is a white paint marker, although you could also cut little windows out of them and it would look really cute too. What do you think of this Christmas village upcycled craft?"
Tracy Boberg Nichols on Instagram: "Starting the year with building a Dinosaur 🦕 using geometric shapes with my 1st graders. Then they do a crayon rocking on the back. What 1st graders doesn’t love dinosaurs? The template is in my TPT ship - see link in my bio. It’s called Build a Dinosaur. . . . . #1stgradeart #kidsart #kidsartclass #kidsactivityideas #kidscraftideas ##artprojects #artlessonsforkids #artlessons #homeschoolart #artteachersofinstagram #kidsartclass #artcurriculum #homeschoolart #homeschoolartclass #elementaryart #artteachersofinstagram #elementaryartteacher #primaryart #primaryartteacher #primaryartclass #artteachersofig #artteacher #artteacher #artteachers #tracynicholsart1stgrade"
Jen Buchheit on Instagram: "Grocery Bag Animal Masks 🦊 This year we're throwing a spooky forest Halloween party and we'll have lots of cute, spooky woodland animal masks for the kids! To make this mask, I cut out a fox face shape from a paper grocery bag. Then I cut out two circles for the eyes and painted the mask with acrylic paint. I hot glued the mask on a pair of sunglasses, making these masks easy for the kids to get on and off themselves! #invitationtocreate #kidcrafts #easycrafts #fallcrafts #halloweencrafts #papercrafts #pretendplay #diyhalloweem #diyhalloweencostume"
Sasha Blanchard on Instagram: "This is such a fun art and science activity! Mix 2 tablespoons of salt with 4 tablespoons of hot water (adults to assist). Dissolve the salt in the water and then paint! Once dry, your painting will be left with salt crystals. ( cc @jugando_con_las_hijas )⠀ ⠀ Materials:⠀ ⠀ * Colored construction paper ⠀ * Glass⠀ * 4 tablespoons of hot water⠀ * 2 tablespoons of fine salt⠀ * Brush⠀ ⠀ OPTIONAL:⠀ ⠀ **Hair dryer to see the final result faster⠀ ⠀ WHY DOES IT HAPPEN?⠀ ⠀ The effect occurs after the water evaporates from the salt leaving beautiful ice like crystals!⠀ ⠀ ⠀ SHARE 👉👉👉 ✨SHARE 👉👉👉✨⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #kidscience #stem #scienceexperiments #educational #learning #fun #scienceforkids #homeschooling⠀"
Joel Scholten on Instagram: "Third Grade Art To Remember Concentric Hands You Will Need: Black Paper Pencil Paint Brushes Tempera Paint #artteachersofinstagram #artteachersofig #artteachersofinsta #teachergram #teachersofinstagram #teachersofig #teachersofinsta #artteachersfollowartteachers #teachersfollowteachers #artideasforkids #kidartideas #easyart #easycraft #satisfying #artclass #artday #artlessons #elementaryartclass #elementaryartteachers #elementaryartlessons #elementaryteacher #thirdgradeart #letsmakeart #dots #howto #creator #primaryart"
Rocking Paper Plate Black Cat Craft
Halloween is just around the corner and we’re so excited to get in the spirit of things with crafting! This rocking paper plate black cat craft is easy to make and is the perfect companion for our recent rocking witch craft. Complete with a printable template that can be simply colored in and cut out, we’ve made it super easy to complete at home or within a classroom environment.
Joel Scholten on Instagram: "First Grade Collage Frankencrayons You Will Need: “Frankencrayon” by Michael Hall Construction Paper Glue Scissors #artteachersofinstagram #artteachersofig #artteachersofinsta #elementaryartteachersofinstagram #teachergram #teachersofinstagram #teacher #elementaryteacher #primaryteacher #primaryart #elementaryart #easyart #easycrafts #artideasforkids #craftideasforkids #kidsartideas #kidscraftideas #kidscrafts #easycraft #firstgrade #firstgradeart #firstgradeartlesson #artlesson #elementaryartlesson #halloween #halloweencrafts #letsmakeart #letscreate #bookstagram #booksofinstagram"
Joel Scholten on Instagram: "Third Grade Concentric Leaves #artteachersofinstagram #artteachersofig #artteacher #teachergram #teachersofinstagram #teacher #elementaryartteacher #primaryartteacher #elementaryteacher #primaryteacher #easyart #easycrafts #artideasforkids #kidsartideas #thirdgrade #thirdgradeart #artactivity #fall #autumn #fallvibes #letsmakeart #leaves #arted #kidscreate #artforkids #artonacartapproved #homeschoolart #elementaryartlessons #artlesson #elementaryarteducation @byltbasics"
Joel Scholten on Instagram: "Second Grade Fall Forest Landscapes You Will Need: 9X12 paper 6X9 paper Tissue paper cut into squares Glue and water mixed 50/50 Tempera Paint Scissors Brushes Texture combs Glitter (🤫) #artteachersofinstagram #artteachersofig #artteacher #teachergram #teachersofinstagram #teacher #elementaryartteachersofinstagram #fall #autumn #secondgrade #secondgradeart #elementaryart #elementaryteacher #primaryart #primaryteacher #elementaryartlessons #artlesson #artideasforkids #kidsartideas #easyart #easycraft #easycrafts #octobervibes #letsmakeart #creator #reels #artactivityforkids #kidsartactivities #fallvibes @byltbasics"
Home is where the art is on Instagram: "👻Spooky Ghost Paint Craft! 👻 I know that I shared this craft last year…. But I love it too much not to share it again ahead of Halloween! This is such a simple craft. All you need is some white paint, a straw and black paper. You can decorate with a black marker or stick on eyes. Make sure to mix your paint with water so it’s thin enough to blow easily with your straw! I love how some of the black shows through to make the ghost look extra eerie 🤩 #craftideas #crafts #preschoolactivities #funcrafts #easycrafts #crafting #craft #preschoolathome #kidscrafts #funcraftskids #halloween #halloweencrafts"