
29 Pins
Getting work done - I
How to get work done when you are in a whirlwind of daily activities while simultaneously juggling with some upcoming demanding assignments.
Discipline of leverage
Act on your lead measures to achieve your wildly important goals. The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Chris McChesney, Jim Huling, and Sean Covey
What is it that the “more efficient” amongst us do differently than the rest of us? “How do we manage time efficiently?”, “What is being productive?”
What language should I learn?
The myriad benefits of learning a foreign language or a second language are indeed matchless. From gaining a competitive edge in career to evading Alzheimer’s or dementia , language learning has always proved to be an asset. But, how do you decide which language to choose? How do you know if you can learn the ropes of a particular language? Are there any factors which contribute in decision making or should you learn a language because your friend is learning it?
Humour in teaching
Who doesn’t like a happy day, a joyful conversation and a fun learning experience? Energy and enthusiasm is sure to happen if the class is fun. Add humour in teaching. Plan them in your lesson.
Storytelling in teaching
If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten ~ Rudyard Kipling. That's the power of storytelling in teaching. "Once upon a time...." - are 4 simple words - but super magnets to attract even the most reluctant learner. Click on the link to learn more about it and the effective techniques on making storytelling a hit in your classroom.
Teaching reading comprehension
“Comprehending is not the same as reading”. Strong reading comprehension skill is important in one’s personal as well as in professional life. A teacher’s role is crucial in enabling his/her student acquire this skill. Sharing with you some strategies on how to create more deliberate readers and enhance their reading comprehension.
Tips on teaching adult students
Adult students truly latch onto lessons they feel are relevant. They have to understand how the skills they learn will improve their daily lives. If they believe a lesson will have a measurable impact, they will be far more likely to be engaged and internalize the lesson. As a trainer/teacher how can you make sure this can be achieved? Read our blog where we share tips on how to match the expectations of your adult learners.
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset is the belief that one’s abilities, qualities, and intelligence can be developed. Just as we teach our students to continuously improve, grow, learn, and change, so must we as educators. Read more to know how.
A hobby a day, keeps the doldrums away! Happiness is more important than success - it will follow if you do what you love. Having a hobby makes that possible for you.
A hobby a day, keeps the doldrums away! Happiness is more important than success - it will follow if you love what you do. Having a hobby makes that possible for you.
Storytelling in teaching
If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten ~ Rudyard Kipling. That's the power of storytelling in teaching. "Once upon a time...." - are 4 simple words - but super magnets to attract even the most reluctant learner. Pin it, or click the link to learn more about it and the effective techniques on making storytelling a hit in your classroom.
Getting work done
Learn how to get work done through the discipline of engagement. Keep a compelling score board
Ice breakers for classroom
Warm up activities to energise your classroom! "First impression is the last impression". This saying is applicable in a classroom too. How we start a class has a lasting impact - that's how important ice-breakers are!