
116 Pins
Making 1000 with 3 numbers using multiples of 10
In this engaging worksheet, students are tasked with filling in the missing number to complete number bonds to 1000 using multiples of 10. The exercise challenges their understanding of place value and encourages them to practice addition skills. By working through this activity, students can strengthen their grasp on how numbers come together to form larger values while reinforcing their arithmetic abilities. They will enjoy the rewarding experience of successfully building the number 1000 from
Place Value Numbers to 1000 | Add & Subtract 1, 10 and 100 | RACE TO THE TOP
Add a little fun to your place value math lessons with this "Race to the Top" game, designed for numbers up to 1000! Say goodbye to mundane exercises and say hello to an engaging resource that develops essential place value skills! This resource helps develop fluency and confidence when adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100. Perfect for boosting your students' mental maths ability.This resource is packed with 20 game boards and their corresponding answers. Printing and laminating them is all it
High, Low: A No-Prep Math Game That Doesn't Feel Like Math!
High, Low is a simple, no-prep math game that will boost your students' number sense without them realizing that there's math involved! This math game can be played in less than five minutes. Use it as a math warm-up, as a quick before- or after-recess activity or at the end of the day with five minutes to fill. Find out how to play this math game, along with many other math activities, math resources, and math projects at