Hungarian Pumi Dogs by Ruffle Snuffle

Everything you need to know about Hungarian Pumi dogs including, breed information, health advice, puppy care, behaviour advice, training tips, grooming tips, toys & games. Plus products we love and breed themed gifts for dog lovers. All pinned to this board so you can find it in one place. Updated regularly so follow us for the latest information. Curated by Ruffle Snuffle.
9 Pins
Stop your Hungarian Pumi puppy biting
They can't help nip and nibble. Puppies are like babies, exploring their world. But what we do need to teach them is bite inhibition so that they know when too hard, is too hard. Here's how to teach your new Hungarian Pumi pup when enough is enough.
Looking after your senior Hungarian Pumi dog
As time goes on our furry companions grow and change and before we know it our adorable little pups have become our lifelong best friends. After 10 years (depending on your dog’s breed), your companion will start to show signs of ageing. In order to look after your senior dog you’ll need to make some adjustments to your lifestyle. Use these seven tips into consideration to make your companion as comfortable as possible.
Teach your Hungarian Pumi dog how to use a snufflemat
Snufflemats provide excellent enrichment for your Hungarian Pumi. So ditch the bowl and see how you can use one in your daily routine.
7 Birthday Gift Ideas for Hungarian Pumi lovers
Looking for inspiration, here's 7 great ideas that you can treat your Hungarian Pumi ( and you) to....
Teach your Hungarian Pumi dog to greet people nicely
It can be annoying and dangerous when your dog jumps up as they meet people. Here's how to teach them some greeting manners.
Hungarian Pumi Puppy Socialisation
What does socialising a puppy actually mean? Is it a case of letting your puppy play with everyone and every dog they meet?Attending puppy parties with lots of different puppies where they can all run and play together?How about going to the school gate to meet as many children as they can?What if I told you that I wouldn’t recommend any of these things….
Find it! Game - Hungarian Pumi
This is a game you can play indoors and out and can be made harder and harder to keep the challenge alive. Your Hungarian Pumi will love playing this game with you!
Loose Leash Walking - Hungarian Pumi
Pulling, dragging and lunging are all annoying behaviours when all you want is a nice quiet stroll with your Hungarian Pumi So here's one guaranteed method to teach them to walk nicely. Beware, you'll need lots of patience! Do you have what it takes?
Can my Hungarian Pumi eat pumpkin?
Pumpkin has many benefits so here they are along with some easy bake treats and games you can play with your Hungarian Pumi.