
22 Pins
Freenom World
So SIMPLE yet so challenging. You're legs and abs will be BURNING but in 30 days you're well on your way to a new you. All in just minutes a day!
How to Jump Higher for Volleyball - Volleyball Plyometrics Workout
How to Jump Higher for Volleyball - Volleyball Plyometrics Workout | Fitness Blender #basketballstrengthtraining
10 No-Gym Plyometric Moves for Explosive Strength |
10 No-Gym Plyometric Moves for Explosive Strength |
30-Minute Indoor Cardio Workout | #site_title
Indoor cardio workout - the perfect combination of cardio and strength to help you tone and tighten! |
Are you a runner? Or maybe you sit all day at work? These six yoga poses will gently open the hips and release tension in the low back and legs. These yoga hip openers might be your new favorite thing!