5th Grade Math

214 Pins
Fractions in Algebra Math Poster
Fractions in Algebra Math Poster Purchase a hard copy of this poster with varied sizes available at Fractions in Algebra Math Poster by mathposters...
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Dice Game
Looking for a low prep, fun way for your students to practice multiplying and dividing fractions? This product includes 3 game boards for multiplying fractions and 2 game boards for dividing fractions. Students will use dice to determine their problems and then try to get five in a row on their game boards! Students will enjoy practicing multiplying and dividing in a competitive setting!This product includes:-2 game boards with proper fractions times proper fractions-1 game board with mixed n
The Butterfly Method for Fractions with Journal Cutouts and Worksheets!
The Butterfly Method for Fractions with... by LewisLovesLearning | Teachers Pay Teachers
Printable Math Poster: Fraction Rules (Smiley Rainbow Theme)
Master the art of teaching fractions with our concise, visually engaging poster. Simplify lessons on turning fractions to decimals and more. A must-have for every classroom!
Multiplying Fractions: Road Trip Performance Task- Real World Application
Use this road trip performance task to help your students practice multiplying fractions! Students will apply their knowledge of multiplying fractions in this real-world scenario by answering questions about a road trip! Students can complete individually, with a partner, or with a small cooperative group. ___________________________________________________________________ Common Core Aligned: CCSS.Math.Content.5.NF.B.4 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a
Fractions Mixed to Improper Fraction Dominoes Math Center Activity
This Mixed fraction to Improper Fraction Domino math center contains 15 problems for changing mixed fractions to improper fractions. #improperfractions #mathcenters #fractions
Basketball Fraction Review for 4th and 5th Grade - Teaching with Jennifer Findley
Need a fun fraction review game? Try this basketball review where the students shoot hoops and then use that to review key fraction skills. 4th and 5th grade version included!