Nina Zenik

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Calahan Skogman as Matthias and Danielle Galligan as Nina Zenik. Shadow & Bone cast - Grishaverse
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This may contain: a man standing in the woods wearing a coat
Genya and David
Nina Zenik Matthias Helvar Zoya Nazyalensky Wylan Van Eck Jesper Fahey six of crows Shadow and Bone Netflix grishaverse
six of crows
six of crows, six of crows meme, six of crows book, six of crows show, six of crows fan art, bookish fan art, bookstagram, booktok, books to read, fantasy books, book recommendations, tbr, soc book, shadow and bone, shadow and bone book, shadow and bone show, inej ghafa, kaz brekker, matthias helvar, nina zenik, wylan van eck, jesper fahey