Books by Donald Prudlo
Upcoming Books by Donald Prudlo
Under Contract, Cornell University Press, anticipated publication winter 2014
Upcoming from Oxford Medium Aevum Monographs series.
Catholic University Press has right of first refusal, contract negotiations underway
Coauthored with Anthony Lappin
Articles and Chapters by Donald Prudlo
The Friars in Medieval Britain: Proceedings of the 2007 Harlaxton Symposium
Journal of The History of Sexuality, 2012
The first 100 years of the Dominican order witnessed the transition from a small group of men ded... more The first 100 years of the Dominican order witnessed the transition from a small group of men dedicated to preaching against the Albigensian heresy in southern France, to a transnational order with thousands of members affecting nearly every area of Latin Christendom. This essay is a short bibliographical overview of the state of Dominican studies for the first 100 years of their existence. It touches briefly upon the foundation, the idea of poverty, University study, preaching, inquisitions, female spirituality, and the Dominican relationship to the papacy. It offers a look both at the necessary sources for a study of the Dominicans, as well as a look at new directions in scholarship about the order.
In a recent survey of historians, Thomas Becket (1118-1170) was nominated as one of the ten worst... more In a recent survey of historians, Thomas Becket (1118-1170) was nominated as one of the ten worst Britons in history, and took the title for the twelfth century. 1 Peter of Verona (1203-1252) for his part bears the title "Prince of the Holy Inquisition," a dubious honor in contemporary society. 2 That these two lay claim to sanctity perplexes the modern world, and even evokes outright hostility. For centuries both Peter and Thomas have been figures characterized by contradiction. They were often reduced to simplistic caricatures of un-reflexive and monomaniacal churchmen on one hand or of flat cut-outs of saintly paragons on the other.
The Catholic Historical Review, 2008
Pending Articles and Chapters by Donald Prudlo
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Inquisition Vatican Press, forthcoming ... more Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Inquisition Vatican Press, forthcoming 2014.
ed. Krijn Pansters, Brepols, forthcoming 2014.
Christian Theologies of the Sacraments,
ed. Justin Holcomb, New York University Press, forthcomi... more Christian Theologies of the Sacraments,
ed. Justin Holcomb, New York University Press, forthcoming 2014.
Christian Theologies of Salvation,
ed. Justin Holcomb, New York University Press, forthcoming 2014
Book Reviews by Donald Prudlo
Journal of Ecclesiastical History 61, 2010
Francia-Recensio 1, 2012.
Catholic Historical Review, forthcoming Spring 2014.
Books by Donald Prudlo
Upcoming Books by Donald Prudlo
Articles and Chapters by Donald Prudlo
Pending Articles and Chapters by Donald Prudlo
ed. Justin Holcomb, New York University Press, forthcoming 2014.
Book Reviews by Donald Prudlo
ed. Justin Holcomb, New York University Press, forthcoming 2014.