Philipp Korom
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Papers by Philipp Korom
If one departs from a purely income-based definition of the German middle classes, one finds a very low degree of homeownership and very few inheriting households in the lower middle class (< 80 percent of the median income). The middle class in the narrow sense (<150 percent of the median income) distinguishes itself from the upper middle class (< 250 percent of the median income) not so much through inheritance or homeownership, but rather through the ownership of other (income generating) real estate.
The wealth perspective reveals above all a lower middle class (about 16 percent of the popula- tion) that, if not backed by the welfare state, is extremely vulnerable. These are renters who are unable to secure their standard of living in the medium or long term by drawing on private assets or inheritance only. Reduced old-age pensions may endanger these households.
If one departs from a purely income-based definition of the German middle classes, one finds a very low degree of homeownership and very few inheriting households in the lower middle class (< 80 percent of the median income). The middle class in the narrow sense (<150 percent of the median income) distinguishes itself from the upper middle class (< 250 percent of the median income) not so much through inheritance or homeownership, but rather through the ownership of other (income generating) real estate.
The wealth perspective reveals above all a lower middle class (about 16 percent of the popula- tion) that, if not backed by the welfare state, is extremely vulnerable. These are renters who are unable to secure their standard of living in the medium or long term by drawing on private assets or inheritance only. Reduced old-age pensions may endanger these households.
Eliten sind in unterschiedlichen Gesellschaftsbereichen auszumachen, wobei in den seltensten Fällen der Elite eines einzigen Gesellschaftsbereichs (z.B. dem Militär) das sich über alle Bereiche erstreckende Machtmonopol zukommt. Auch die Zielsetzungen einzelner Eliten variieren: in der Wissenschaft geht es etwa um Erweiterung von Erkenntnissen, in der Wirtschaft um Gewinnmaxi- mierung und in der Politik um erfolgreiche Ausübung übertragener Macht. Die aktuelle Elitensoziologie beschäftigt sich u.a. mit der Geldmacht der Superrei- chen, dem Wandel gesellschaftlicher Machtzentren, den Querverbindungen zwischen den einzelnen Eliten und der Herausbildung einer globalen Elite.