Papers by Yonca Kosebay erkan
Springer eBooks, 2022
UNESCO World Heritage properties in Anatolia show a great variety in their land use morphologies ... more UNESCO World Heritage properties in Anatolia show a great variety in their land use morphologies as a response to their environmental differences, developing different ways of managing water for daily use and agricultural irrigation. History testifies to the many conflicts and wars that occurred in defending and/or accessing these important water resources. The remnants of this infrastructure form part of invaluable cultural heritage and present opportunities for the embodied traditional knowledge to mitigate the impacts of climate change. However, ruthless water regimes (i.e. hydroelectric plants), which disregard the importance of water for communities, have prioritized water as a source of energy over its value for daily and agricultural use and have impacted the environment and climate, which directly affects both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Dried creeks leave waterrelated infrastructure and equipment without a purpose and people deprived of water. In the age of Anthropocene, such an approach victimizes people through the idea of taking over nature while at the same time making people the victims of nature's response. In return, new regional conflicts are instigated, and migration becomes inevitable, diminishing neighbourly peace and also aggravating climate change, causing negative impacts on cultural heritage and jeopardising many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Historic cities directly reflect urban transformations and the restructuring of social life shapi... more Historic cities directly reflect urban transformations and the restructuring of social life shaping the physical environment of a city. In Istanbul, however, recent changes in the physical environment have taken a different path from that of the past. The legal framework and organization of this forced transformation has rapidly developed. Such transformation projects will set into motion irreversible processes altering historic areas in Istanbul. On the one hand, new spaces for divergent formations are sought, utilizing the power of law. On the other hand, the stratification of the city, which dates back centuries, has been subjected to regeneration projects including conservation work. However, the preservation approach employed in these projects displays an inclination towards “gentrification” at the higher scale, which bears the risk of neglecting the authentic qualities of the actual urban fabric or the buildings. In other words, the underlying aim of such projects is the remov...
11th EAD Conference Proceedings: The Value Of Design Research, Jul 5, 2016
The Turkish jewelry sector has developed globally within the past two decades and has gained powe... more The Turkish jewelry sector has developed globally within the past two decades and has gained power as a global supplier, ranking second after Italy. The majority of jewelry production takes place in Istanbul within the district of the Grand Bazaar and in the clusters of workshops around the complex known as khans. The Grand Bazaar and the khans around it operate on a network-based model of clustering that has endured since the fifteenth century. Based on micro-scale firms, the Grand Bazaar reflects a unique contemporary center of jewelry production which relies on a structure that can be characterized as a creative cluster. Jewelry production revolves around high quality craftsmanship and the transmission of knowledge in this system is based on the passing down of tacit knowledge gained through experience. This inter-disciplinary research project approaches the Grand Bazaar from the perspective of the preservation of traditions and the cultural heritage of craftsmanship, and offers an evaluation of products in terms of their creativity and innovation potential for the discipline of industrial design. As such, the aim is to reveal the potential of innovation within traditional models and techniques for the jewelry sector as part of the luxury consumption phenomenon. This article also offers projections as regards the following issues: How will this 500 year-old traditional creative cluster model endure the technological shifts in fabrication? And, how can this tacit knowledge nurture research for new modes in contemporary design? The paper aims to introduce the process, methods and preliminary findings of this qualitative research project that was funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
The Journal of Asian Studies, 2016
Heston). The authors employ a variety of methodologies in their readings of these sources, includ... more Heston). The authors employ a variety of methodologies in their readings of these sources, including network analysis (Totton), processual archaeology (Bonatz), and topography (Stuer, Erkan). In her introduction to the collection, Alexandra Green not only discusses current scholarship on narrative theory and the structure of this collection, but also presents a clear summary of each paper. Essays by Julia K. Murray ("The Emperor's Mirror") and McCausland ("Chō gonka Scroll 長恨歌圖 by Kano Sansetsu 狩野山雪 & Spring Morning in the Han Palace 漢宮春曉 by You Qiu 尤求") examine elite products to explore how the Chinese narrative artworks were adopted and appropriated by different cultures, including France and Japan. Also taking a cross-cultural approach are the several comparative studies (by Green, Bonatz, and Lefferts and Cate) on mural paintings dedicated to particular deities in different countries or periods, which provide a fresh approach for art historical narratology and demonstrate the increasing importance of network analysis. Another striking feature of the volume is the attention paid to popular culture, such as the Genji card game (Thompson) and the Vessantara painted scrolls used in wat temples in Thailand and Laos (Lefferts and Cate). Koon's discussion of Su Renshan's paintings offers new perspectives on the relationship of text and illustration and an important redefinition of narrative for the Chinese cultural context. Two essays on illustrated books, "Beyan-I Menazil" (Erkan) and "Images of the Floating Raft" (Stuer) remind us of the political or religious significance that scenic spots and geophysical landscapes could have for rulers or sponsors. As Erkan writes with respect to the illustrated Ottoman manuscript, "topographical features thus connect the page as they transform recto and verso pages into a large panorama. At the same time, as a narrative tool, they indicate the reading direction and the path of the army as it progresses from one settlement to another" (p. 96). Similarly, Zhang Bao's pictorial autobiography, Images of the Floating Raft, furnishes in Stuer's account a personalized version of China's global landscape. The illustrated book, it becomes clear, is itself an organic art form that offers another way of thinking about narrative progression that has received scant attention in scholarly writing to date.
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2012
This study explores the significance of Istanbul's railway heritage and discusses the criteria fo... more This study explores the significance of Istanbul's railway heritage and discusses the criteria for evaluating the historical importance, architectural value, and social issues surrounding the city's rail system, leading into an examination of the consequences of the Marmaray Project. The Marmaray Project is a commuter rail system designed to unify Istanbul's two independent rail transportation systems, and it will connect Halkalı on the European side with Gebze on the Asian side of the city. With the beginnings of rail construction in the 1870s, the waters of the Bosphorus separated the Oriental Railway on the European side from the Anatolian and the Baghdad Railway, preventing a direct connection between Europe and Asia. The Marmaray Project will actualize this universal, long desired dream via an under water tunnel. However, the design of the project bears significant risks for the city's railway heritage dating back to the 19 th and 20 th centuries. At risk are structures used by travelers, lodgings, ateliers, depots, water closets (WC's), underpasses, retaining walls, bridges and old trees.
Built Heritage, 2018
The pace of urbanisation, with the increase in the number of metropolitan areas, has been paralle... more The pace of urbanisation, with the increase in the number of metropolitan areas, has been paralleled with the heritage discourse of past generations that valorises monuments in isolation, and has pushed the appreciation of urban heritage to a grim corner in the face of development. Since the turn of the millennium there are international efforts to reverse this trend by placing culture and people-centred approaches into the heritage discourse in order to allow inclusive policies that see culture and cultural heritage as an asset and driving force for sustainable urban development. As one of such instruments, the UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, as an integrated management model, is considered in this article to have potentials to bridge existing divides to achieve sustainable urban development. With this belief, the paper looks into the future, with supporting arguments that come from discussions as a result of the WHITRAP International Expert Meeting on the Im...
The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice
The Historic Areas of Istanbul were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1985. Since that time... more The Historic Areas of Istanbul were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1985. Since that time, the population of Istanbul has been dramatically increased and the conservation and development challenges changed. Since 2003, Istanbul has been placed under close monitoring process with a risk to be placed on the World Heritage in Danger List. In this article, the concerns of monitoring missions will be presented and discussed based on the committee decisions and reports which can be found at the website of the World Heritage Center. These concerns include the conservation plan, the timber Ottoman houses, the urban renewal areas, the institutional organization and management and finally the large scale urban and transportation projects. After analyzing these concerns, the article suggests the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) as an integrated approach that can be the solution of many of the problems identified by the World Heritage Committee. Moreover, Historic Urban Landscape approach provides a ground for mutual and a balanced existence for a sustainable future.
itüdergisi/a mimarlık, planlama, tasarım Cilt:7, Sayı:2, 14-25 Eylül 2008 * Yazışmaların yapılaca... more itüdergisi/a mimarlık, planlama, tasarım Cilt:7, Sayı:2, 14-25 Eylül 2008 * Yazışmaların yapılacağı yazar: Yonca Kösebay ERKAN; Tel: (212) 285 32 95. Bu makale, birinci yazar tarafından İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Restorasyon Programında tamamlanmış olan "Anadolu Demiryolları Çevresinde Gelişen Mimari ve Korunması" adlı doktora tezinden hazırlanmıştır. Makale metni 04.05.2007 tarihinde dergiye ulaşmış, 26.06.2007 tarihinde basım kararı alınmıştır. Makale ile ilgili tartışmalar 01.02.2009 tarihine kadar dergiye gönderilmelidir. Özet Bu çalışma, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda 1872-1896 yılları arasında Haydarpaşa'dan Konya'ya inşa edilen Anadolu Demiryolu'na ait yapıların koruma sorunlarını incelemektedir. Bu makalede, öncelikli olarak demiryolu mirasının ne olduğu ve Anadolu Demiryolu'na ait yapılardan hangilerinin bu kavram altında ele alınmaları gerektiği tartışılmış ve bu yapıları bekleyen tehlikeler incelenmiştir. Araştırmada Anadolu Demiryolu'na ait özgün yapı programı (yolcu binaları, mal depoları, bekçi kulübeleri, lojmanlar, su depoları, lokomotif depoları, helâlar, köprüler, geçit bariyerleri vb.) özgün çizimleri ile tespit edilmiş, mevcut demiryolu yapılarından hangilerinin özgün planlamanın parçası olduğu belgelenmiştir. Demiryolu yapılarının ait oldukları dönemin tespit edilmesi, karmaşık görünümdeki demiryolu yapılarının sınıflandırılmasına yardımcı olmaktadır. Buradan elde edilen sonuçlar, sahip olunan demiryolu mirasının niteliğini ortaya koymaktadır. Yapılan incelemelerde, koruma kapsamı altına alınmış olan demiryolu yapılarının büyük bir çoğunluğunu yolcu binaları ve lojmanların oluşturduğu görülmüştür. Demiryolu mirası bilinci henüz yaygınlaşmadığından su deposu, mal deposu, lokomotif deposu, atölye, vb. yapıların daha seyrek olarak tescil edildikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Ancak demiryolu mirasının tümünü kapsayan sistemli bir envanter çalışmasına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bilindiği üzere ülkemizdeki kültür varlığı niteliği taşıyan yapıların korunmalarında çeşitli güçlükler yaşanmaktadır. Demiryolu yapılarının sürece bağlı tahribatları dışında Marmaray, kentsel dönüşüm projeleri ve hızlı tren projeleri gibi son yıllarda gündeme gelen büyük projeler, Anadolu Demiryolu mirasının büyük bir hızla tahrip olmasına neden olacak niteliktedir. Bu çalışmada söz konusu projelerin korunmaya değer nitelikteki demiryolu mirasını nasıl etkileyeceği ve koruma önerileri konu edilmiştir.
Every year UNESCO World Heritage Committee Members sit in a conference for the evaluation of late... more Every year UNESCO World Heritage Committee Members sit in a conference for the evaluation of latest status of heritage sites under consideration. This year in 2012, the committee sat together for the 36 th times for the same purpose. Apparently this date also marks the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention which was adopted in 1972 for the protection of cultural and natural sites.
... söz konusu projelerin ko-runmaya değer nitelikteki demiryolu mirasını nasıl etkileyeceği ve k... more ... söz konusu projelerin ko-runmaya değer nitelikteki demiryolu mirasını nasıl etkileyeceği ve koruma önerileri konu edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Anadolu Demiryolu, demiryolu mirası, koruma, Haydarpaşa. Anadolu Demiryolu mirası ve korunması Yonca KÖSEBAY ERKAN ...
Papers by Yonca Kosebay erkan