"Gloom"의 정의와 사용법 및 예문에 관한 질문
다양한 구문과 문장에서 쓰이는 "Gloom"의 의미
"keep his gloom on a loftier plane" in "he thinks that ‘contactless’ sums up his life nowadays; or sums up society, if he wants to keep his gloom on a loftier plane."은 무슨 뜻인가요?
gloom = his depression, his bad mood, his moodiness
"James is being moody right now because he didn't get first choice of dessert",
"No I'm not gloomy about that at all! I'm gloomy because I'm thinking about the nature of loneliness in society in the 21st century, my gloom is on a far loftier plane than simply not getting my pick of dessert! I'm thinking at that level, and I'm going to keep my gloom on it!"
gloom = his depression, his bad mood, his moodiness
"James is being moody right now because he didn't get first choice of dessert",
"No I'm not gloomy about that at all! I'm gloomy because I'm thinking about the nature of loneliness in society in the 21st century, my gloom is on a far loftier plane than simply not getting my pick of dessert! I'm thinking at that level, and I'm going to keep my gloom on it!"
gloom은 무슨 뜻인가요?
if you were to say someone looks gloomy it means they look upset or depressed also you can use the word gloom to describe the weather
gloom은 무슨 뜻인가요?
It means nearly dark.
It can also mean the sadness that accompanies grief and despair.
It can also mean the sadness that accompanies grief and despair.
And you're kissing to cut through the gloom
With a cough drop coloured tongue은 무슨 뜻인가요?
With a cough drop coloured tongue은 무슨 뜻인가요?
Looks like some quirky poetry going on.
It indicates that the kiss is not necessarily a gesture of affection, but of desperation, with the "cough drop coloured tongue" adding to that notion, as that would be an unnatural colour.
It indicates that the kiss is not necessarily a gesture of affection, but of desperation, with the "cough drop coloured tongue" adding to that notion, as that would be an unnatural colour.
"Gloom" 관련 추가 질문
While I waited for the gloom, the burning started in my pocket.
This is a sentence from a book. What is the burning?
This is a sentence from a book. What is the burning?
We have the phrase, "money burning a hole in my pocket," to say we have extra money to spend, as if we have to spend it now before it burns a hole in our pocket.
gloom and darkness, which is the common use or what are the differences between them?
Darkness is more concrete and specific because it means lack of light. Gloom is more abstract. It can be about how a scene makes you feel vaguely bad. I don't think we often use gloom as a noun, we're more likely to use the adjective gloomy.
"And now you're left to face the gloom
The empty room that once smelled sweetly
Of all the flowers you plucked if only
You knew the reason
Why you had to each be lonely
Was it just the season?"
(Lyrics of Norah jones - shoot the moon)
I can't make out what the word "each" means in the verse...
Please brake it down(>人<;)
The empty room that once smelled sweetly
Of all the flowers you plucked if only
You knew the reason
Why you had to each be lonely
Was it just the season?"
(Lyrics of Norah jones - shoot the moon)
I can't make out what the word "each" means in the verse...
Please brake it down(>人<;)
Now you are depressed
Once happy
All the beauty has left
Why do we both have to be lonely
Was it just for fun?
Once happy
All the beauty has left
Why do we both have to be lonely
Was it just for fun?
비슷한 단어/구문의 의미와 사용법
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