Creative Climate Activism

Art, posters, design, music, street art, photography, crafts and other creative mediums are wonderful ways to communicate about climate change and clean energy. Speak up and get creative! Check out this board for inspiration. Like us on Facebook for regular suggestions for action: #climatechange #globalwarming #climateart
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Paris Climat / Cop 21 posters - Nino Is
Paris Climat Cop21 2015 poster by Nino Israel, "COP21 will be one of the largest international conferences ever held in France, and must result in an international climate agreement enabling us to limit global warming below 2°C." #COP21 #ClimateTalks
Destroying nature is destroying life
Destroying nature is destroying life by Grabarz & Partner agency. Created for Robin Wood to raise raise public awareness of the ongoing destruction of animals’ natural habitats. The use of fossil fuels is the primary contributor to climate change, which is causing ice and glacier loss and destroying the polar bear habitat.
Paris Climat / Cop 21 posters - Nino Is
Paris Climat Cop21 2015 poster by Nino Israel, "COP21 will be one of the largest international conferences ever held in France, and must result in an international climate agreement enabling us to limit global warming below 2°C." #COP21 #ClimateTalks
Shepard Fairey's Earth Crisis sphere just before it was suspended from the Eiffel Tower. The sphere weighs 2.3 tons and displays 8 meters in diameter for a printed surface area of ​​over 200 meters squared. Suspended more than 60 meters above the ground, it is a strong call to reflection on the future of our planet and the threats to its sustainability. #COP21 #ClimateTalks #ObeyGiant
Paris Climat / Cop 21 posters - Nino Is
Paris Climat Cop21 2015 poster by Nino Israel, "COP21 will be one of the largest international conferences ever held in France, and must result in an international climate agreement enabling us to limit global warming below 2°C." #COP21 #ClimateTalks
Destroying nature is destroying life
Destroying nature is destroying life by Grabarz & Partner agency. Created for Robin Wood to raise raise public awareness of the ongoing destruction of animals’ natural habitats. Deforestation is also a significant contributor to climate change.
Destroying nature is destroying life
Destroying nature is destroying life by Grabarz & Partner agency. Created for Robin Wood to raise raise public awareness of the ongoing destruction of animals’ natural habitats. Deforestation and the burning forests is also a significant contributor to climate change.
Cool design and art direction by In The Pool
Paris Climat 2015 poster by In The Pool studio. #COP21 #ClimateTalks
"In a Gentle Way, You Can Shake the World - Ghandi" - art by Sofia Peters. Even though we are each small, with patience and dedication, we have the potential to make huge impacts and enact positive change on our beautiful planet, Earth.
Commemorating the news that we've officially entered the Anthropocene, NY artist Justin Guariglia tattooed NASA's GISTEMP global temp 5 year mean index onto hi arm in an art performance piece. The carbon (soot and ash pigment) tattoo was permanently applied the same day the announcement was made by Jan Zalasiewicz and Colin Waters at the IGC. The index tracks global temperature rise from 1880-2016. Tattoo by @fksegismundo
Climate Change Art Tile Event
Climate Change Art Tile Event - In 2013, climate change activists created this amazing 150-foot long native steelhead trout in Roseburg, Oregon. The big fish was made up of over 1000 individual panels created by local school children and adults. The project was put together by the Douglas County Global Warming Coalition to help raise awareness about climate change.
PARIS CLIMAT 2015 poster by Ioana Trsc #COP21 #ClimateTalks