
111 Pins
Se l'estate fosse un ricordo su carta, quale colore avrebbe? 🎨 Con l'arrivo degli ultimi raggi di sole, è il momento perfetto per catturare la luce in modo unico e creativo. ☀️ Conosci l'antotipia? 🧐 È una tecnica di stampa fotografica che utilizza la sensibilità di alcuni vegetali alla luce del sole. Quale modo migliore per salutare la calda stagione usando questa tecnica per fissare ricordi ed emozioni sulla carta in modo naturale e creativo? 🌾📖 Il procedimento è molto semplice: 🔸Scegl...
Comment PAINT & I’ll send you ✨free✨ detailed tutorials for making lake pigments & shelf-stable watercolors with plants.🫶🏼🌿 This color was made from onion skins and marigolds that had both been previously used for dyeing fabric. After dyeing, I saved the plant material for a second sunny color extraction. ☀️ To make shelf-stable plant colored watercolors, a natural dye must be turned into an insoluble pigment. 🌈 The process involves flocculating dye with an inert binder (usually alum) and ...
NATURAL DYEING | REBECCA DESNOS | The many uses of rosemary 😍🌿👌 Have you tried either of these? 1️⃣ Dyeing with rosemary! 💚 Different varieties make different dye colours.... | Instagram
✨Bundle dyeing✨ with Flowers & Food Waste 🌸🌿 👉🏼✨ Comment BUNDLE & I’ll send you a ✨free✨ bundle dyeing tutorial! 🦋 Bundle dyeing is an easy technique that yields beautiful results. ✨ If you’re new to natural dyeing, food waste dyes are a budget friendly, low pressure way to begin experimenting. It’s also the ideal natural dye project to do with kids! I worked with yellow onion skins, marigolds, & avocados for this project. 🧅🥑💕 Some of the best (most colorfast) food waste dyes include avoca...