
48 Pins
385K views · 6.4K reactions | La Mejor Receta de NUEZ y ALMENDRAS😍😱Sorprendentemente Delicioso | Snacks en minutos
385K views · 6.4K reactions | La Mejor Receta de NUEZ y ALMENDRAS😍😱Sorprendentemente Delicioso | Snacks en minutos
132K views · 2.6K reactions | Easy Home Remedy To Reduce Weight... #recipe #healthy #naturalremedies #recipes #usa #us #fyp | Easy Home Remedy To Reduce Weight... #recipe #healthy #naturalremedies #recipes #usa #us #fyp | By Julian Ramirez | Facebook
132K views · 2.6K reactions | Easy Home Remedy To Reduce Weight... #recipe #healthy #naturalremedies #recipes #usa #us #fyp | Easy Home Remedy To Reduce Weight... #recipe #healthy #naturalremedies #recipes #usa #us #fyp | By Julian Ramirez | Facebook
Cocina Sin Harina😋 | 5 Batidos nutritivos para empezar a comer saludable🌿🥝🥒🥑🍌🌰🍈🌱💚💯 | Facebook
Cocina Sin Harina😋 | 5 Batidos nutritivos para empezar a comer saludable🌿🥝🥒🥑🍌🌰🍈🌱💚💯 | Facebook
7.9K views · 4.2K reactions | Lebanese Lemonana ⬇️ . . . 1 lemon 🍋 1 lime 🍋‍🟩 3-4 cups filtered water 1-2 fresh spring mint leaves 🍃 1/2 cup simple sugar made with honey 🍯 (recipe below) . . Chop lime and lemon and place in blender with water and mint leaves. Blend and strain then simple sugar to sweeten. Serve chilled with fresh mint over ice 🧊 . Simple Honey Syrup: 1 cup water 1/2 cup honey . Instructions: Add the water and honey to a small pan. Bring to a low simmer, stirring in the honey to mix with the water. . Simmer for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Pour the syrup into a container and store in the fridge for up to a month. . . . . . #lemonade #healthyjuice #healthyjuices #juicingforhealth #homemadejuice #foodreels #shapesquad #whstrong #healthyfoodshare #buzzfeedtasty #thefeedfeed #balancedbites #balanceddiet #wellnesslifestyle #wellnesslife #diyfoodie #diyfood #healthyrecipes #cookingvideos #blackwellness #cookingshow #healthyfoodporn #cookingtutorial #damnthatsdelsih #recipesbible #cookingwithgoodful | Charmaine Browne
7.9K views · 4.2K reactions | Lebanese Lemonana ⬇️ . . . 1 lemon 🍋 1 lime 🍋‍🟩 3-4 cups filtered water 1-2 fresh spring mint leaves 🍃 1/2 cup simple sugar made with honey 🍯 (recipe below) . . Chop lime and lemon and place in blender with water and mint leaves. Blend and strain then simple sugar to sweeten. Serve chilled with fresh mint over ice 🧊 . Simple Honey Syrup: 1 cup water 1/2 cup honey . Instructions: Add the water and honey to a small pan. Bring to a low simmer, stirring in the honey to mix with the water. . Simmer for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Pour the syrup into a container and store in the fridge for up to a month. . . . . . #lemonade #healthyjuice #healthyjuices #juicingforhealth #homemadejuice #foodreels #shapesqua
2.3M views · 31K reactions | AGUA DE JAMAICA CON GUAYABA Y FRESA! 🤤 ingredientes: 2 tazas de jamaica 5 guayabas 3 litros de agua 4 fresas 1 1/2- 2 tazas de azúcar procedimiento:... | By Aventura en tu Cocina | That this Jamaica water with guava and strawberry is one of the best combinations you will try. In a pot with water over medium heat, add the Jamaica flower and let it boil for about four minutes. To a blender this guava you can cook it if you want, we also add the sugar and the rest of the water. Licua very well. We put the mixture through the blender and set aside a few minutes. Now it's time to sneak Jamaica and we mix it together with guava water. Let's try and if you need to add more sugar this is the time. In a jar add the strawberry that you could also have mixed it together with the guava and now it is ready to boil with a lot of ice remember that the exact quantities are in the description of this video and if you like this recipe follow me to see more.
2.3M views · 31K reactions | AGUA DE JAMAICA CON GUAYABA Y FRESA! 🤤 ingredientes: 2 tazas de jamaica 5 guayabas 3 litros de agua 4 fresas 1 1/2- 2 tazas de azúcar procedimiento:... | By Aventura en tu Cocina | That this Jamaica water with guava and strawberry is one of the best combinations you will try. In a pot with water over medium heat, add the Jamaica flower and let it boil for about four minutes. To a blender this guava you can cook it if you want, we also add the sugar and the rest of the water. Licua very well. We put the mixture through the blender and set aside a few minutes. Now it's time to sneak Jamaica and we mix it together with guava water. Let's try and if you need to add more sugar this is the time. In a jar add the strawberry that you could also have mixed it toget
100K views · 9.8K reactions | Les comparto otra vez esta limonada cremosa con un toque de menta que está súper refrescante y deliciosa. Ojo: no se corta, no cae pesada ni nada por el estilo, para evitar cualquier contrariedad, recomiendo usar leche de coco. Ingredientes: 5 limones sin semilla 5 ramitas de menta 2 tazas de leche de coco 3 tazas de agua Endulzante, al gusto #limon #limonada #lechedecoco | Laura Ceballos García
100K views · 9.8K reactions | Les comparto otra vez esta limonada cremosa con un toque de menta que está súper refrescante y deliciosa. Ojo: no se corta, no cae pesada ni nada por el estilo, para evitar cualquier contrariedad, recomiendo usar leche de coco. Ingredientes: 5 limones sin semilla 5 ramitas de menta 2 tazas de leche de coco 3 tazas de agua Endulzante, al gusto #limon #limonada #lechedecoco | Laura Ceballos García
How to Make a Tea Latte + 17 Recipes - Oh, How Civilized
See how to make tea lattes at home and get tips, tricks, and delicious tea latte recipes from chai to chamomile herbal tea lattes.
Join Our Mission. | Every dollar makes a difference in delivering lifesaving care and treatment for kids of St. Jude. | By St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Facebook
Join Our Mission. | Every dollar makes a difference in delivering lifesaving care and treatment for kids of St. Jude. | By St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | Facebook
1.3M views · 20K reactions | Pon la cáscara de una manzana en un frasco y no dejarás de darme las gracias | Lo Mejor en Salud
1.3M views · 20K reactions | Pon la cáscara de una manzana en un frasco y no dejarás de darme las gracias | Lo Mejor en Salud
4.9K views · 27K reactions | Si quieres aprender todo sobre coctelería y el arte del bartender, tienes que unirte a nuestro curso. ⭐🎓 Ingresa al link de nuestro perfil 😎🍹💯 SÍGUENOS PARA MÁS 🍸💥 #bartender #cocteleria #cocteles #barman #cocktails #bebidas #cursoonline #shot #coctelesencasa #bartenderlife | ACADEMIA COCTELERIA BARTENDER
4.9K views · 27K reactions | Si quieres aprender todo sobre coctelería y el arte del bartender, tienes que unirte a nuestro curso. ⭐🎓 Ingresa al link de nuestro perfil 😎🍹💯 SÍGUENOS PARA MÁS 🍸💥 #bartender #cocteleria #cocteles #barman #cocktails #bebidas #cursoonline #shot #coctelesencasa #bartenderlife | ACADEMIA COCTELERIA BARTENDER
5.2M views · 117K reactions | Sabías que si agregas las cascaras de manzana en... 😱 | Cuenta Sabroso | Cuenta Sabroso · Original audio
5.2M views · 117K reactions | Sabías que si agregas las cascaras de manzana en... 😱 | Cuenta Sabroso | Cuenta Sabroso · Original audio
731K views · 6.2K reactions | Leche de Ajonjolí con Quinua | Leche de Ajonjolí con Quinua | By Pontecausa | Facebook
731K views · 6.2K reactions | Leche de Ajonjolí con Quinua | Leche de Ajonjolí con Quinua | By Pontecausa | Facebook