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OLESIA SHEVCHUK on Instagram: "SHOULDER SMAASH❤️‍🔥 with dumbbells only💪🏻 1️⃣ alternative upright row x16 2️⃣ bent arm front raise x20 3️⃣ front & lateral raises x20 4️⃣ shoulder press x16 COMPLETE 4 rounds 🚀 ⏰ 30 seconds rest #shoulder #shoulders #shoulderworkout #upperbodyworkout #gymworkout #gymtips #homeworkout #workouttips"
Ronnie Powerfull on Instagram: "#adelgazar #perderpeso #quemagrasa #bajadepeso #weightloss #ejercicioencasa #quemargrasa #workout #bajardepeso"
Ronnie Powerfull on Instagram: "#adelgazar #perderpeso #quemagrasa #bajadepeso #weightloss #ejercicioencasa #quemargrasa #workout #bajardepeso"
Ronnie Powerfull on Instagram: "#adelgazar #perderpeso #quemagrasa #bajadepeso #ejercicioencasa #weightloss #workout #bajardepeso"
Women fitness | Home workout on Instagram: "💚💚chest workout🔥Give them a try! . ⚠️”If you started today, you are better than yesterday.” . 👉”Get Your E-Book Now! Transform Your Body Today!” “Unlock Your Ultimate Weight Loss Journey: Grab Your Copy Now! Discover Proven Strategies and Transform Your Body for Good. Click Here for Instant Access to Your Weight Loss Success Story!” 👉Check out bio @women77fit ✨ Share this post with your friends so they can benefit from these tips too♻️ ⚠️Remember, consistency is key and every small step brings you closer to your goals🌟 you got this! We hope this is helpful! If it did, feel free to share , like, save , & tag friends Cc DM #women77fit #homeworkout #fitmom"
Assane Cisse | Perte de poids 🚺 on Instagram: "Voici une petite séance dynamique réalisable en seulement 10 minutes ⏰ pour lutter contre ces fameuses cuisses flasques ! À adapter selon son niveau et réalisable à la maison ou en salle de sport selon les envies. 🤩🔥 ⚠️ Disclaimer, Aucun exercice n’est magique pour affiner ses cuisses. C’est surtout le fait de rester actif, augmenter son NEAT et une alimentation adaptée à soi en fonction de ses objectifs « être en déficit calorique par exemple » qui fera réellement la différence. Envoie-moi « GO » dans les commentaires ou en message privé si tu souhaites affiner tes cuisses définitivement en 90 jours⚡️ 🤝 - - - - #weightloss #perdredeskilos #perdredupoids #perdreduventre #perdredugras #brulegraisse #obesite #surpoids #sportalamaison #minc
OLESIA SHEVCHUK on Instagram: "KNOW THE DIFFERENCE 🤓☝🏻 ABS: upper + lower, obliques💥 Elevate your ab game by honing in on the upper abs for that sculpted six-pack, targeting the lower abs for a defined V-cut, and sculpting those obliques for killer waistline definition💯 🔥 Ready to sculpt your best self at home? 💪 Join my app ELVT and let’s carve out those sculpted bodies together! 🏡🏋️‍♂️ GRAB YOUR 7-DAY FREE TRIAL! Link in BIO 🩷 #absworkout #abdomen #sixpack #coreworkout #lowerabs #obliques #homeworkout #gymworkouts #workouttips"
Elly on Instagram‎: "Do an upper body workout three times a week and see the results 👌🏻🔥✅ #upperbodyworkout #workout #triceps #backworkout #gym #gymlife #fitness #fitnessmotivation #exercise #fitgoals #personaltrainer #fitnessprogram #مربی_بدنسازی #بدنسازی #پشت_بازو #فیتنس_بانوان #فیتنس #حرکات_بدنسازی #ورزش_در_خانه برای برنامه ورزشی و تغذیه فقط دایرکت لطفا ✨💜 @vitalicious24 @vitalicious24 @vitalicious24"‎
Marco Sergi on Instagram: "Come sostituire esercizi semplici ma poco efficaci. Il corpo è una macchina che cresce insieme alla variabilità degli esercizi. Cambia per migliorare i tuoi allenamenti e il tuo fisico . . . . . #motivational #inspiration #calisthenics #workout #fitness #allenamento #palestra"
Dilek Akmergiz on Instagram: "Looking for an easy at-home chest workout to give your girls a little lift?🍒😌 This 4 best Chest exercises routine will help firm up those sagging breasts and tone your chest muscles without leaving your house🔥 Do these 4 exercises for a strong chest💪🏻👇🏻 1️⃣Chasest press - 3x15 reps 2️⃣Close grip - Chest press 3x15 reps 3️⃣Chest fly - 3x15 reps 4️⃣DB pullover - 3x15 reps Cc @fitnessdilekofficial #chest #chestworkout #chestday #breast #fitnessworkout #fitnessvideo #homeworkout #homeworkoutvideos"
Tiboinshape on Instagram: "Triceps best exercises at home ! @inshapenutrition"
Tiboinshape on Instagram: "Get abs in 2 weeks best exercises at home !! 🔥 @inshapenutrition @shapeyou"