Climate Change and Birds

The climate crisis isn't just impacting people—it’s affecting birds too. Here you’ll find all the latest climate news and practical ways you can take action to join us in the fight against climate change.
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Climate Change Has Whooping Cranes Starting Their Spring Migration Earlier
Warmer temperatures mean Whooping Cranes migrate north earlier, and south later, between the Gulf Coast and Canadian breeding grounds.
Many Birds Are Shrinking and Growing Longer Wings as the World Warms. Why?
A growing body of research suggests a warming world could mean smaller birds with longer wings, but nothing about the findings is settled.
A Single Heatwave Killed Half of Alaska’s Common Murres, a Shocking New Study Reveals
Nearly a decade later, the seabirds still aren’t rebounding from what researchers say was the largest animal die-off in modern history—and a stark warning about climate change.
Thanks To Climate Change, Canada Jays May Eat Freezer-Burned Food All Winter
The birds' critical food stores, saved up each autumn for lean times later, risk going bad as global temperatures warm.
How Earlier Spring With Climate Change Wreaks Havoc on Birds
An early spring may sound lovely after a long winter, but can be disastrous for wildlife like this Black-throated Blue Warbler.
False Springs: How Earlier Spring With Climate Change Wreaks Havoc on Birds
An early spring may sound lovely after a long winter, but can be disastrous for wildlife.
As Spring Shifts Earlier, Many Migrating Birds Are Struggling to Keep Up
With the climate warming, leaves and blooms are popping out ahead of schedule. A wide-ranging new study shows why this trend is troubling for a variety of bird species.
Warmer Oceans Raise the ‘Divorce’ Rate Among Typically Loyal Albatross Pairs
A study of Black-browed Albatrosses provides a reminder that climate change can affect birds in unexpected ways.
Who Wins in a Fight Between Bluebirds and Swallows?
Mountain Bluebirds could have a hard time defending their homes if climate change speeds up the arrival of their nest rivals.
In the Arctic, Beavers Are Climate Winners. Should We Let Them Take Over?
“We arrived at a mirror-like pond tucked against a mist-shrouded mountain to find that the resident beavers had gone bonkers.” Our deep dive into how the clever rodents are reshaping the Arctic.
A Surreal Spin on An Abundant Sparrow
In “Spotted Towhee” artist Phyllis Shafer depicts a widespread bird of the West in a rapidly changing landscape.
Four Ways Congress Can Help Birds And People This Year
Returning lawmakers have an opportunity to help birds, the climate, and our own communities.
Warmer Oceans Are Driving More Frequent Seabird Die-Offs, Preventing Populations From Recovering
A new study used long-term volunteer data to show that marine heatwaves are linked to mass avian mortality at sea.