Flag Ad Campaigns

Interesting ad campaigns that use flags to communicate their message.
11 Pins
The Virtual Crash Billboard by Parisian Road Safety Authority
Turn a billboard into a car crash simulator to challenge careless pedestrians to cross more carefully.
Ad of the Day: BT visualizes online hate spike with England flag
Ad of the Day: BT visualizes online hate spike with England flag | The Drum
Lifesaving Billboards by Mas Vida | High Traffic
Reveal what's happening inside ambulances in real tme to persuade drivers to give way.
The Virtual Crash Billboard by Parisian Road Safety Authority
Turn a billboard into a car crash simulator to challenge careless pedestrians to cross more carefully.
METER Group: Meltdown Flags (Argentina)
METER Group: Meltdown Flags (Argentina) - adsofbrands.net
Destination Pride | FCB/SIX | PFLAG Canada | D&AD Awards 2018 Pencil Winner | Digital Tools & Utilities
Destination Pride | LGBTQ+ Search Platform for Travellers Social Good Campaign | Award-winning Digital Tools & Utilities | D&AD
It Happens Here | Ogilvy & Mather London | 28 Too Many | D&AD Awards 2016 Pencil Winner | Art Direction for Poster Advertising
It Happens Here | FGM Human Rights Awareness Poster Advertising Campaign | Award-winning Art Direction | D&AD
It Happens Here | Ogilvy & Mather London | 28 Too Many | D&AD Awards 2016 Pencil Winner | Advertising & Marketing Communications - Not for Profit
It Happens Here | Advertising Design for Humanitarian Aid Ideas | Award-winning creative social good campaigns | FGM Female Genital Mutilation Awareness | D&AD Impact
THE FLAG REFILL Cruz Roja / Marca País
THE FLAG REFILL Cruz Roja / Marca País on Behance