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Motivational Quote to "Beware of little expenses; A Small leak will sink a great ship"
Sharing a motivational quote to keep us focused on our goals and always being vigilant. Motivational Quote | Inspirational Quote | Financial Freedom | Financial Growth | Frugal Living | Budgeting Money | Budget | Manage Your Money | Personal Finance | Money Tips | Starting A Budget Easy | Money Management | Money and Happiness | Money Savings | Money Saving Tips | Budgeting | Financing Tips
These are the people you need to surround yourself with!! ⬆️ People that lift you up just because they care… 🚫 They have no agenda or ulterior motive… 🤩 You being happy or just putting a smile on your face is their goal….. Find more of these genuine “rays of sunshine” as I like to call them 😁 and keep them close. Tag or share this with that person who is your breath of fresh air 🤩 #highvibes #rayofsunshine #goodpeople #greatfriends #uplifting #goodenergy #feelgoodvibes
The one thing about an NDE is.,,you get to see the week after, you see reactions. It’s a great gift.
—People who spend a life time trying to impress other will loose a lifetime of creating lasting memories with those who matter. PattiStar NDE
Always appreciate the good people in our lives who show compassion and kindness, and spread warmth wherever they go. The world needs them and they're hard to find. ❤️🤗❤️ . #KindnessMatters #AppreciateGoodPeople #SpreadLove #BeCompassionate