PYP ideas

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Critical Thinking Skills for Lower Grades
The art of the provocation in any inquiry based learning classroom stems from high engagement artefacts to invite the children’s curiosity and provoke wonder. Even our youngest learners can be criticl thinkers! Inquiry stems from questions and the focus of this bumper provocation pack is to develop conceptual thinking and questioning skills in your students. Beginning with the basics for our youngest learners, you will find the activities promote formulation of questions through simple guiding questions designed to gently guide the children’s thinking. All materials come with child-friendly sentence stems to support your emerging readers & writers together with ESL students.
How To Build An Inquiry Wall for Upper Middle School
Creating an inquiry based learning space for middle schoolers with building an inquiry wall. Grab free resources to learn how to create a inquiry learning wall in the classroom to provoke ideas and curiosity in your learners.
IB PYP Provocation Starter Cards Developing Thinkers & Inquirers
These IB PYP provocation starter cards are designed to guide and provoke curiosity, inviting engagement and inspiring wonder in the children as you are building their questioning skills and developing inquirers. Conceptual learning begins by understanding concept-based questions. These cards are ideal for developing understanding of the IB PYP Specified Concepts as well as helping children to focus their thinking and develop higher level questioning skills. They can be used by the teacher or the
Invitations and Provocations: Coming to Terms with Terms
When you think about invitations and provocations what do you think is most significant? What is the relationship between an invitation and provocation?
How To Make A Frugal Inventor's Box Your Child Will Love
Encourage creative thinking & fun without spending a ton of money! Your kids will love having a frugal inventor's box to let their imaginations soar. Includes free printable pack with list of suggested materials + writing activities to help your young inventors plan & record their inventions. #inventorsbox #inventorsboxforkids #creativefun #funwithkids #frugalfunwithkids
De-Clutter Challenge: What to Do with Kids' Artwork
Great idea for how to keep kids artwork clutter under control: Turn it into a photographic journal. Post includes tips for how to save money on the photo book journals.