Campaign typographic posters

21 Pins
Creative and Shocking Road Safety Campaign Ads
"Make sure you and your teenagers stay safe on the road. Using a mobile while driving is dangerous and illegal. Pull over to the side of the road, or switch it off when driving." Vodafone campaign
No texting while driving!!!...or putting on mascara! I have precious cargo, as do many others!! Xo : votre guide shopping et guide d'achat !
Using Flyers to teach: Lesson Plan PSA Public Service Announcements - Tackk
Texting and driving is super dangerous to yourself and others. Researchers have proved that the brain can’t focus on 2 things at the same time and that is risking your own and someone else’s life. It’s just not worth it.
Sensibilisation aux dangers de conduire et texter
Typography, Posters, and Typography Posters image inspiration on Designspiration
Designspiration - Diseño Inspiración