FP Vision Board

16 Pins
Farmers and others respond to a Sunday Review essay, “Don’t Let Your Children Grow Up to Be Farmers.”
How Bill Gates Is Causing the Collapse of Traditional Farming and Local Food Economies
Land grabs, seed control and GMOs. Welcome to the new world order of industrialized agriculture, courtesy of the Gates Foundation.
Look out Monsanto: The Global Food Movement Is Rising
Look out Monsanto: The Global Food Movement Is Rising - it hasn't always been easy to perceive the connection between marching for improved farmworker rights, signing a petition against factory feedlots, and cooking up beets from a CSA. Those connections form a tight weave in the new book, Harvesting Justice: Transforming Food, Land, and Agriculture in the Americas.
Starve a Landfill (Published 2015)
Efficiency in the Kitchen to Reduce Food Waste, a report from Kim Severson (Illustration: Peter Arkle)
Your voice has power. Speak up for justice. | IJM
Good news from the fields: Just tomatoes are here to stay | The Freedom Commons | International Justice Mission
The Living Seed
Two beautiful new short films via Navdanya International: ‘The Living Seed’ and ‘The Living Soil’ link seed sovereignty, food justice, and climate justice in a wonderful way.
For Mexico's migrant workers, a push for cross-border justice
For Mexico's migrant workers, a push for cross-border justice.
Burning Question: What Does "Food Justice” Mean to You? - Hobby Farms
Try writing down your definition of a just food system, and you might find it’s harder to put into words than you think.
Food apartheid: the root of the problem with America's groceries
“When we say ‘food apartheid,’ the real conversation can begin.”
Local food may be celebrated, but those of us who do the work aren’t making any money.
The Family Garden
The Family Garden CSA (community supported agriculture) is the first farm in the Southeast to become Food Justice Certified.