Steam punk Cyber Flappers

This is an idea generating board to start visualizing and creating ideas for our costumes. Think of lace, metal colours, beige/cream/brown/black, some feathers. Shorts or skirts to modify, along with vests and corsets. Gloves, boots, thigh highs, garters?
37 Pins
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P.S. I Made This...With Fashionista: DIY Royal Wedding Fascinator
Tutorial: D.I.Y. Royal Fascinator, by Leah Chernikoff of "P.S.- I Made This" on (28 Apr. 2011)
スチームパンク Steampunk ファッション レトロ 画像 - NAVER まとめ
Cool Woman’s Steampunk Costume: The Lady Captain of the Ark
Cool Woman’s Steampunk Costume: The Lady Captain of the Ark… Coolest Halloween Costume Contest
1884 Collapsible Wire Bustle Tutorial
DIY Bustle for steampunk clothing diy | diy bustle | Steampunk Fashion @KiLee Shape
Bustle Skirt Steampunk Victorian Wrap White by meankittywear | Steampunk skirt, Steampunk clothing, Steampunk diy
DIY Steampunk Skirt | Bustle Skirt Steampunk Victorian Wrap White by meankittywear
Steamy Burlesque
Sexy Steampunk PinUp