French Language

French, French grammar, French lessons, French vocabulary, French language, French language learning, French language teaching, French lessons for kids
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⚠️ Explore 20+ amazing tips on #learning #French pronunciation online. This guide has been made up by Eurekly’s professional French #phonetics #tutors 🎓 Acquire an authentic #FrenchAccent and speak like a #native! 😎 #eurekly
⚠️ Many French words look and sound similar to the English ones but have absolutely different meanings: || 🇫🇷 Coucou! 🇺🇸 Hi! || 🇫🇷 court 🇺🇸 short || 🇫🇷 liquid 🇺🇸 cash || 🇫🇷 pain 🇺🇸 bread || 🎓 Learn #French online on #Eurekly! #️⃣ #learnfrench #frenchlanguage #fran #speakfrench #frenchwords #frenchvocabulary #apprendrelefran #learningfrench #franc #studyfrench #ilovefrench #francais #frenchteacher #frenchlesson #frenchclass #learnfrenchonline #parlerfran #frenchlearning
🇺🇸 today 🇫🇷 aujourd'hui [oh-zhoor dwee] || 🇺🇸 yesterday 🇫🇷 hier [ee-air] || 🇺🇸 tomorrow 🇫🇷 demain [deu-ma] || 🇺🇸 the day before yesterday 🇫🇷 avant-hier [avon-tee-air] || 🇺🇸 the day after tomorrow 🇫🇷 après-demain [appray- deur-ma] || 🎓Learn #French online on #Eurekly! #️⃣ #learnfrench #frenchlanguage #speakfrench #frenchwords #frenchvocabulary #apprendrelefran #learningfrench #franc #studyfrench #francais #frenchteacher #frenchlesson #frenchclass #learnfrenchonline
Learning French? Check out this site!
If you are learning French, this site is a must visit! There are lots of posts about unique language learning resources, how to find good books in foreign languages (with links to books in French!), the best YouTube channels for languages (including French channels!), etc. 👏
Most popular French girl names you’ll want to steal for yourself!
Oooh là là, French girl names sound so beautiful, don’t they? If you’re curious about what the most popular French girl names are or you’re having a baby yourself and are looking for some French baby girl names to inspire you, this post has you covered. Let’s get into some popular French girl names and baby names from today and from years past.
Learning French: Conversations for Beginners - Real Life Language
French Conversations for Beginners week two episode four getting to the train station in french #learnfrench #learntospeakfrench
French Verb Video Game
Students click through this French Verb video game. If they click on the correct answer, they advance to the next question. If they answer incorrectly, they are directed to try again. A free Google account is required to access this Google Slides French Verb Video Game. Answers cannot be recorded for grading purposes.
3 French language basics that don’t exist in English
Language learning is a fascinating process, especially at the beginning stages when you know next to nothing about the language you’re studying. When learning French, you'll see that there are several basics things in the French language that are very different than English.Here are 3 French language basics that don't exist in English. #learnfrench #learningfrench #french #frenchlanguage #languagelearning
Netflix' Lupin Season 2 French Slang Explained in English
Netflix' Lupin Season 2: French words explained in English
7 English words that are untranslatable in French
There are some English words that are near impossible to translate in French. Find out which ones!
Quick French lesson: How to say “only”
Quick French lesson: When you want to say “only”
3 French language basics that don’t exist in English
Language learning is a fascinating process, especially at the beginning stages when you know next to nothing about the language you’re studying. When learning French, you'll see that there are several basics things in the French language that are very different than English.Here are 3 French language basics that don't exist in English. #learnfrench #learningfrench #french #frenchlanguage #languagelearning
How to speak French: Conversations for Beginners - Real Life Language
French Conversations for Beginners week one episode five going to the supermarket in french #learnfrench #learntospeakfrench
Netflix' Lupin French Slang Season 1
French slang from the French series Lupin explained in English