.just because.

So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness. -Sidney Poitier
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At first I was like, "Woah that's so cool!" And then it got sad.
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121 Things to Do Instead of Spending Money
Essential Oils for Pets: Dog Whisperer Approved
Essential Oils for Pets: Essential Oils Aren't Just For Humans Anymore; use essential oil to calm a traumatized dog, for a mini massage to relax the ill dog aromatically and physically.
Do It Yourself! Natural Beauty 101
clear complexion: combine 1tbsp. citrus juice + 1tbsp. baking soda. stir until the bubbling lessens. leave on for 20min + rinse. Benefits: citrus exfoliates and brightens and helps keep pores clean. Baking soda takes away dead skin cells and helps to prevent blackheads.
People say you never know what you have until its gone. Well, I know what I had & I'm glad your gone.
People say you never know what you have until its gone. Well, I know what I had & I'm glad your gone.