Number Talks

A collection of resources for doing number talks in 4th grade, 5th grade and middle school classrooms. You can find number talk activities for addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions. These math talks come in formats like number strings, which one doesn't belong, true or false and fraction concepts. Use these math talks in upper elementary or middle school for daily number talks, math warm ups, small group math activities or to introduce strategies to the whole class.
181 Pins
Math Discussion Prompts and Sentence Starters
Imagine your students confidently holding discussions in math class. Give them the support they need to have successful discussions with this free set of math talk bulletin board posters! This set of math discussion stems is perfect for upper elementary classrooms. Teach 4th grade and 5th grade students how to support their thinking, add on to someone else's idea and respectfully disagree. Click through to sign up and get these free math discussion prompts!
Fourth Grade and Fifth Grade Number Talks - 20 Days Free
This set of 20 free number talks with give you some great examples and images to add to your daily number talk routine in upper elementary. These math talk images are perfect for math talks in 4th grade and 5th grade classrooms. Use these number talks as math warm ups, math discussions, or as a morning meeting math activity. Includes number talks for fractions, multiplication, division, would you rather, which one doesn't belong and more! Click the link to grab your free set today!
Free Upper Elementary Number Talks | 4th Grade and 5th Grade Math Talks
Elevate your math talks with this FREE set of 20 number talks for 4th grade and 5th grade! Build number sense and encourage math discussion with these colorful upper elementary math number talks. This set of number talk images will help build number sense, fraction sense, number flexibility, math vocabulary, and mental math strategies. Perfect for fourth and fifth grade math warm ups and number sense routines. Click here to download this resource and add meaningful discussions to your classroom!
Free Daily Number Talks for 4th and 5th Grade | Number Sense Activities
Elevate your math lessons with free Number Talks for 4th and 5th-grade! Cultivate number sense and encourage math talks with these upper elementary activities. Foster a rich environment for exploring numbers. Click here to download this resource and add interactive, meaningful discussions to your classroom!
Math Talks for Number Flexibility | Free Math Problem Strings
Spark dynamic math talk in 4th grade and 5th grade with this free set of 20 number strings! Boost number sense through math problems strings designed for upper elementary students. Use these problem strings to conduct math talks that deepen understanding and build number flexibility. Click to grab this valuable resource and build your fourth grade and fifth grade students number sense, flexibility with numbers, and mental math strategies.
Number Strings for Math Number Talks | 4th Grade and 5th Grade Math Talks
Engage your 4th and 5th grade students in meaningful math talk while building number flexibility with this free set of 20 math problem strings! Includes number talks for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Use these number talk activities as math warm ups or as a daily number sense routine. Perfect for upper elementary classrooms. Click to access this valuable resource and bring the power of math number talks to your fourth grade or fifth grade classroom!
Using Number Talks to Build Fraction Sense
Do you upper elementary students have strong number sense? Would you like to help them build their fraction sense this year? This article by Hello Learning shares how you can use fraction number talks with your 4th grade and 5th grade students to help build fraction sense in a fun way! Number talks are a great activity for building number sense, flexibility with numbers, and math discussion skills. Fraction number talks help your students build a solid foundation with fraction concepts!
How to Do a Number Talk in Elementary Math
Have you been wanting to start using number talks in your classroom but aren't sure where to begin? This post shares how to do a number talk, step by step, along with planning ideas, number talk examples, number talk images, and even a free set of number talks! Perfect for 4th grade and 5th grade math classrooms. Number Talks are a low prep, easy to use activity that helps build number sense and math communication skills. Click through to learn all about number talks!
Set up a Learning Environment for Math Discourse in Upper Elementary
Did you know your classroom environment can influence your elementary students participation in math talk and group discussions? This article by Hello Learning shares tips for setting up an upper elementary classroom to encourage to support math discourse among elementary students. Having a supportive classroom environment provides a safe space for students to take chances and share ideas during math discussion. Click to read the whole article and grab a free set of number talks!
How to Build Fraction Number Sense
If you want to build stronger fraction number sense in your 4th grade and 5th grade students then you need to read this article about fraction number talks! This 5-10 minute routine can help your students become more flexible with fractions and deepen their fraction sense about basic fraction concepts. Fraction math talks can help students build a strong foundation with fraction concepts. Click to read the whole article and grab a free set of number talks to get you started!
Build Fraction Number Sense with Math Talks
Are you looking for a way to build fraction sense in your upper elementary math students? This article by Hello Learning shares how you can use number talk routines as a way to build foundational fraction concepts and strengthen fraction sense in 4th grade and 5th grade students. Fraction math talks only take 5-10 minutes each day and help build student number sense, flexibility with fractions and understanding of fraction magnitude. Click to read more about building fraction sense today!
Number Talks and Setting Positive Expectations for Math Discussions
The first step to having successful number talks with your 4th grade or 5th grade students is setting up expectations to build a positive learning environment. This post shares different ways you can plan, organize, and lead your number talks so students have a positive learning experience. Daily number talks are a great way to build number sense, math strategies and math talk skills. In 5-10 minutes a day upper elementary students can build a strong foundation in math concepts. Click to read!
Fraction Number Sense in 4th Grade and 5th Grade
Do you wish your fourth and fifth grade students had stronger fraction sense and a deeper understanding of fraction concepts. Read about how to use number talks or fraction math talks to build students confidence and understanding with fractions. In only 5-10 minutes a day you can help students gain flexibility with fractions, an understanding of benchmark fractions and stronger fraction number sense. Click to read the whole article and grab a free set of number talks to get you started!
10 Fun Math Warm Up Activities for Upper Elementary Classrooms
Start your math class in a positive way with fun math warm up activities. This post shares 10 ideas for fun math warm up activities you can do with your 4th grade or 5th grade students. Daily math warm ups can build community, math strategies, and review math skills. This post includes a free set of printable math warm up templates you can use with your fourth grade or fifth grade students! Click the link to see the math warm up ideas and grab your free math warm ups today!
Math Number Talks Strategies and Free Number Talks Images
Do you use number talks with your 4th grade or 5th grade students? Number talks can help students build efficient strategies in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Math number talks help Fourth grade and fifth grade students build number sense and math discussion skills. Number talks only take 5-10 minutes and can focus on computation, fractions, decimals, place value and more in grade five and grade four. Click to read more and grab a free set of number talks to use today!