
34 Pins
9 excellent triathlon books that will inspire you to do a triathlon - SHEEBES
10 Triathlon Tips You Have Never Thought Of (But That Make You Faster!)
Nutrition as the 4th Discipline of Triathlon
The Best Triathlon Accounts to Follow on Instagram
5 inspirational triathlon movies and documentaries you need to see - SHEEBES
Boost Your Running Performance with These 9 Essential Balance Exercises —
As a runner, you might spend a lot of time building endurance, strength, and, flexibility, often neglecting—or simply forgetting—that running also demands balance. It takes a few episodes of stumbling and tumbling and a visit to the doctor to convince most runners of the importance of balance training.
Free 36 Week Ironman Training Plan! - Snacking in Sneakers
Thinking about doing your first ironman triathlon? Get all ready for triathlon training with this free ironman training plan! It’s a 36 week plan designed to bring you from a base fitness level all the way to completing your first 140.6 race. #triathlon #triathlontraining #fitness #fitspo #ironman #trainingplan
How to Fit a Road Bicycle
Learn how to properly fit a road bicycle. Learn about how to properly fit a human on a bike. Bike sizing should be considered a separate issue from fitting.
Your Target Heart Rate: How to find it & train with it as a runner
Your Target Heart Rate- - How to Find It & Train by It - a Guide for #runners #running #heartrate