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Parmesan Risotto with Shrimp and Asparagus | PRINT the recipe: If you thought risotto was complicated, consider your mind changed! This... | By Wyse Guide | So welcome you know when I make food what do I love it to be I love it to be obviously delicious but I love it to be sometimes something that is just like fun to make or maybe different for you to make or just something that keep kind of coming home to and kind of can just like slowly make and just kind of relieve the stress of the day that's what cooking is for me if it isn't for you let's make it that this is a delicious risotto and risotto as it's own is a pretty simple dish but it can be up with different additives so we are going to separately roast some shrimp and some
787K views · 12K reactions | The Iconic Spaghetti with Meatballs ✨ You can find this and many other delicious recipes in my cookbook ‘The Art of Italian Cooking’, link in bio | The Pasta Queen
787K views · 12K reactions | The Iconic Spaghetti with Meatballs ✨ You can find this and many other delicious recipes in my cookbook ‘The Art of Italian Cooking’, link in bio | The Pasta Queen
Super Delicious Bolognese | Not traditional but super flavorful! | pork meat, ground beef, milk, wine | PRINT the recipe: While bolognese may sound like a super fancy meal that you only get in a... | By Wyse Guide | Today, we're going to conquer what is honestly fairly easy but could be controversial and it's bolognese or bolognese. It's a meat sauce is what it is and at its core, obviously, this is not going to be the most traditional, probably one. I am not from Italy but guess what? I do know meat sauce. We have made this many times at home or variations of it and you're going to see that there are certain steps that you need to take because they will make sure the meat is tender, more delicious, and all these little items we're going to do make a big difference and making one of the best meat sauces that you can really have. So, this is one of those that you might want to do on a weekend. It takes a little bit longer maybe than for a weeknight but if you make it ahead, it's delicious as leftovers and one of those that keeps almost getting better I think. So, we're going to start with our vegetables and the one difference here is that we're going to do obviously onion, celery, and carrot and we want those to be kind of finely chopped up. So, to do that instead of having, you know, really good chopping skills, we're going to do it all in a food processor. So, I'm making the onion, and everything kind of fairly small. I'm not worrying too much about being even because the food processor is going to do the work. So, what we're really trying to do here is make a delicious rounded flavor underneath everything. So, we're not going to have chunks of carrot, chunks of celery, anything like that. Instead, what we're going to have are all these are going to just play background and they're going to build a delicious sauce on top. So, I'm doing it very rough as you can see and now on carrots, you know my method on carrots. I do not are organic and if I grew them which I do still have carrots from last year left but if I scrub them well I don't I don't peel them especially when something like this there's no reason to scrub them well don't worry about that I will live on that mountain alone if I need to so what I'm going to do is put this right into and we're just going to pulse this until it gets to a nice kind of even consistency So, you can see, it's pretty quick. A food presser just makes light work. You can do this by hand if you want to or use one of those. My grandma would have used a countertop food grinder that you put on the counter. Do you guys remember this? Anyway, so I'm just going to put this right into some melted butter that's been heating on the stove. Now, we've learned from the greats that what butter really is wonderful in tomato sauces. It adds a beautiful rounded flavor and it to me is really important. So, as I'm doing this, you can hear that it's starting to sizzle right away. That's what you want. We're going to just slowly cook these vegetables. Going to let them just kind of soften let their natural juices release and the important thing if you want to know one step that can make anyone to me a better cook at home a better home cook seasoning as you go so what I'm going to do is make sure I salt this now little bits of salt like this seasoning the layers as you go you're going to always end up one using less salt because in the end it will be much more seasoned and it will just have a better flavor in the end so I'm going to let this go going to let this saute and we'll keep going so this has been cooking slowly for a few minutes here and you can see what it's doing it doesn't look too different but it's really drain the onion translucent loosen it's really starting to cook down it's just beginning to want to kind of coat the bottom of the pan so we know we're ready to move on so the next step is all this garlic that I have minced up I shouldn't add it right in I don't like to give it quite that long cooking process in the beginning I want to have a little bit more of a short cooking time before we add the meat in so I'm going to put the garlic in just stir it in and let it cook for just about you know 30 seconds to minute and while it's doing that, we can talk about the meat because the meat here is really essential over here. So, what I have here is half ground beef, half ground pork. Ground beef is more traditional but what I like is the pork really offsets that beef. It gives a little bit lighter flavor. It mellows the meat a little bit and I really like the mixture of the two. I think it's actually really to me a great step in this. So, what I'm going to do is put this right in here and we're going to first just cook these meats side by side right in this mixture until fully browned and then we'll move on. So, you can see I've taken some care while it's browning to really break it into small pieces. I just use either a spoon or this is like a spiral and I just sit here and I break it into small bits and that gives you a nice, fine texture but now, the whole point of bolognese is all these little moments. They seem like steps. They seem like what's the point but they each really make and develop flavor and then also give you really tender meat. So, this next step is really kind of important that and it's a little weird but we're going to add some whole milk. We're going to pour it right in and what this is going to do, we're going to actually pretty much cook all of this out but it's going to really tenderize that meat. Milk has that ability to tenderize meat and we want to let it slowly cook and simmer until pretty much all that milk is dissipated. Now, all these seem like one extra step, one extra step and the reason I'm talking through it so much is I want you to understand it's not just a step that doesn't matter. Each of these makes a little bit of a difference and believe me and that end result when you're eating it, it's so worth each of these. It's pretty simple. It's one of those just enjoy it on cold day make this bolognese so after this we'll have a couple more steps and it just simmers so you can see what's really happened is that milk has really condensed in it has really just kind of gone down to nothing and you see a little bit of liquid left in the bottom that's that means the milk is doing its thing it's going to tenderize now with milk products you know this in a cheese sauce or white sauce we like to do what a little bit of nutmeg so I'm going to do just a little bit of fresh ground nutmeg this really enhances the flavors in the milk it sounds but you get this nuttiness that comes out about it and so we're just going to put that right in there just stir it in you don't need to worry about it cooking really or anything it works with the milk and it doesn't just if you're saying I don't like nutmeg calm it doesn't do that so now what we're going to do is do the exact same thing but with wine now if you don't like alcohol that's fine use a beef stock or another type of stock but we're going to put this right in here and what I want to let it do is just pretty much cook down then and dissipate that's the important part here we just want it to cook down while you're doing that you can pour yourself a glass of wine if that's what you're drinking you know what you could drink the beef broth too if you want to and just stir this now. Let it cook down till it looks just like that milk did and then we'll keep going. So, this is now getting to the point where we can add in the tomato paste and you've seen me do this before. Tomato paste is a rich condensed tomato but we want to cook it a little bit to give it a little bit sweeter flavor, almost caramelized. So, if you look in this pot, you can see that now look, that wine is much drier. There's a little bit of liquid but look at that. You really have a dry consistency now but what you have is beautifully tenderized meat with rich so I'm going to add in this paste right into the center put it right there and just start stirring it in with that I'm going to layer in a little bit more salt again remember if we layer our salt in the end we really don't add a lot of salt little some pepper just some fresh black pepper that's ground and I want to just stir this paste into the mixture and let it just start cooking so you can see as I'm stirring it it slowly starts working in and then you can just kind of finish doing that I just want to let it cook a little bit before we put all tomatoes and really give it that long simmer. So, if we come over here, just talk tomatoes. So, to me and a lot of traditional love whole tomatoes, the whole plum tomatoes. San Marzano tomatoes too. Um what I think is important is to know you want them with the juice but also you want to break em up. Now, a lot of people just go with their hand and crush em up. You can do that. You can also just take a scissors and just do this. The one thing I will check for sometimes is as I'm doing it, sometimes you see pieces of pia still I don't love that I get that from my mom she hates the consistency of pieces of peel in a salsa or in a bolognese like this you know so she'll just take them out and I kind of think that is it does mess with the texture so sometimes when I see them too because these are flash steamed usually they don't always get all the pieces out but what I'm doing you can see is just really quickly breaking them down but still giving them a little bit of texture along with this we're going to pour this in and non traditional again but I like to put a little piece of parmesan rind in. Now, locally at grocery store, I can get just the rinds in a bag. They're really reasonable. A couple dollars and you can get these rinds. You can also if you get a piece of Parmesan, have a rind on it and cut it off. I know some people hate that but I love this because it's a flavor bomb. You can put it in soups, in stews, embrazes, and it just adds this beautiful, delicious note. So, you're going to see over here, this is really started cooking. It's starting to want to coat the bomb in the pan just a little bit. That's what you want. You want that richness of that tomato paste to do its magic which it is. So, now what I'm going to do is we're going to put in our tomatoes. Just put them right in there and these are going to get a long simmer and that's what you want. So, some recipes will go, you know, other ones will go up to three hours. Some will go even longer. Some will go short. I like to go at least an hour. Let it really simmer. The important part you want to do though is let it sit there and simmer slowly uncovered. I put a Parmesan rind in. I put some bay leaves in. If you can find fresh ones, that's going to have more flavor and what I'm going to do is turn this down very low and just let it barely simmer and watch it. You want to go for three hours do it the flavor will get deeper it will develop even more you just may have to add a little bit of stock or water every so often if it gets too dry but I find that sweet spot is at least an hour where it really starts developing that flavor so I'm going to just let this simmer uncovered because it's just going to condense and really be even more beautiful so in the last 10 minutes of this simmering my pasta I throw in let that cook and it depends what pasta you're doing so traditional maybe would be more of a tagate I'm doing rigatoni because that's what I like. A lot of times two bolognese will be made for maybe a lasagna or something. So, I'm putting the bay leaves in here and I'm going to take out that cheese rind. It's done its work and what I want to do is just make sure I get it. It gets soft but believe me, all that flavor is in here and look at this. Look how it's somewhat drier than you would think. See when I'm stirring it, there's not a ton of liquid. Like I said, you could keep on simmering and simmering and simmering to the point of needing to add even more liquid just to even deepen those flavors. So, what I want to do now is I just turned off my pasta I'm going to just move it over kind of beside and I'm just going to start putting my pasta right in there and notice I'm not like draining it hard I'm lifting and if they have some water on them that is just fine because pasta water has the starch from the pasta which actually can help bind that pasta with the sauce which is what we want to do so I don't mind if I'm getting a little bit of that liquid in there with it and that pasta water the reason I'm doing like this is opposed to just like draining all this pasta out in the sink or something this way I just easily save the water if I want to and can use it as needed in the sauce because that's your final step in any sauce you make is really that you can use the water to thicken or bind if you need to so what I want to do is just stir this together and it is still at that simmer stage and I want that because I want it to be able to kind of final cook the pasta the pasta's al dente and that goes for any pasta you're cooking and that just means it's not fully quite cooked you want to finish cooking in the sauce just a couple minutes to really absorb in the flavors so swim for just a minute or two and you can see it really starts to bind but what here I want to do is I have even some more water here never feel bad adding some water it almost makes it more creamy it seems counterintuitive you're going to think oh that just waters it down no see how it's cloudy that's that starchiness from the pasta and that's really to me essential in finishing it up it does this is these are those little things that take your food these aren't my ideas these aren't my inventions but they're those things that take your food from oh it's good to Wow. They did something special. Really didn't. It's just simple. So, what we have here is leave dinner and that's the best part. So, you can now just serve it up and look how that pasta just clings with the sauce as I make a mess but that's so delicious. Now, anytime, if you do make a mess, don't feel bad but I do think you need to clean it up because I think it makes it look better. Just have a nice plate. Kinda thing that wouldn't happen in a restaurant is just to clean it up. That final person they bring it to the table maybe but this is the simple part. Now, the wine you used in if you're someone that likes wine, that's a great one to serve with it but what you can also do is take your cheese, little bit on top. Just get a little bit of that parmesano right on top. It's so good and that will just finish it off. So now, you have your bolognese. That's what I love about this is how simple it is. I should. Okay. I don't want to keep eating it. It's so good. What's to me what's special about this You're going to think, well, you didn't put seasonings in it. You didn't put Italian seasoning, basil, oregano. The depth of flavor that is created in all those steps is what really makes this special. A beautiful seasoning comes from that rind we put in that almost gains this nuttiness but that nuttiness is also come from that little pinch of nutmeg that we put with that milk after it cooked into it and tenderized the meat. This is something special. This is something that once you make it, you're going to think, I just spoiled myself and we all deserve spoiling once in a while. We all need spoiling once in a while. So, that's what I hope you do with this. I hope you share this recipe around. Share this video around so everyone can see that guess what? It's fun to go out to a restaurant and have delicious food. It's also possible to make it at home. Enjoy it with your family, with your friends, entertaining. Don't think of going over the top maybe to entertain. Make a big thing of pasta. Serve it on a beautiful platter. Your guess, they're going to enjoy it. So, check my website, Wise Guy. com for this recipe. All my other recipes are all on there. Until next time, make something delicious. You'll be glad. Hi,
Super Delicious Bolognese | Not traditional but super flavorful! | pork meat, ground beef, milk, wine | PRINT the recipe: While bolognese may sound like a super fancy meal that you only get in a... | By Wyse Guide | Today, we're going to conquer what is honestly fairly easy but could be controversial and it's bolognese or bolognese. It's a meat sauce is what it is and at its core, obviously, this is not going to be the most traditional, probably one. I am not from Italy but guess what? I do know meat sauce. We have made this many times at home or variations of it and you're going to see that there are certain steps that you need to take because they will make sure the meat is tender, more delicious, and all these little items we're goin
231K views · 4.5K reactions | You’ve Been Cutting Eggplant Wrong for Parmigiana—Here’s the Right Way! #recipes #eggplantrecipes | Pasquale Sciarappa
231K views · 4.5K reactions | You’ve Been Cutting Eggplant Wrong for Parmigiana—Here’s the Right Way! #recipes #eggplantrecipes | Pasquale Sciarappa
156K views · 693 reactions | BlackstoneBetty whipped up her signature chopped Italian Sausage Sandwiches, perfect for feeding a crowd with a fun, kid-friendly twist. Inspired by her... | By Blackstone Products | Chopped Italian sausage sandwiches. These are a must. I recently got to make these for a huge crowd in Connecticut at the Batsamure Italian food festival. What a blast it was. I knew this is what I wanted to make for everybody since it feeds people so easily, so quick, chopped Italian hot and sweet sausage, chopped peppers and onions, smothered in mozzarella and provolone, sauce on them or on the side either way on a good crusty roll. These are a must make and I cannot wait for you to watch the full video over on YouTube now.
156K views · 693 reactions | BlackstoneBetty whipped up her signature chopped Italian Sausage Sandwiches, perfect for feeding a crowd with a fun, kid-friendly twist. Inspired by her... | By Blackstone Products | Chopped Italian sausage sandwiches. These are a must. I recently got to make these for a huge crowd in Connecticut at the Batsamure Italian food festival. What a blast it was. I knew this is what I wanted to make for everybody since it feeds people so easily, so quick, chopped Italian hot and sweet sausage, chopped peppers and onions, smothered in mozzarella and provolone, sauce on them or on the side either way on a good crusty roll. These are a must make and I cannot wait for you to watch the full video over on YouTube now.
285K views · 4.9K reactions | The Secret Trick to Perfect Meatballs 🍝 | When I'm feeling down in the dumps, I go straight to Rigatoni and Meatballs | By Not Another Cooking Show | Facebook
116K views · 2.1K reactions | The Secret Trick to Perfect Meatballs 🍝 | When I'm feeling down in the dumps, I go straight to Rigatoni and Meatballs | By Not Another Cooking Show | Facebook