
43 Pins
This may contain: someone is holding a blue knot in their left hand and it looks like they are tying something together
Johanna Levina Oliver on Instagram: "|SOUND ON| One of the many reasons my go-to crepe paper is @cartotecnicarossi 180gm. This paper has been hand dyed, dried, stretched and then shaped all whilst retaining its strength. This was the very first crepe paper I ever used and will always remain a firm favourite for its durability and versatility. What is your crepe paper of choice? #inspiredbypetals #paperartist #paperart #cartotechnicarossi #cartefini #cartefinipaper #crepepaperflorist #black_tree_designs #crepepaperflowers #paperflowers #papierblumen #floresdepapelcrepom #diyflowers"
This may contain: the embroidery is being worked on with thread
Escola de Bordado Curso com video aulas de bordado para iniciantes
This may contain: someone is stitching on the fabric with scissors and thread to make an embroidery hoop
Instagram @mariana.bordados En el IG el vídeo está normal
This may contain: a pen is sitting on top of a piece of paper with a hole in it
This may contain: a hand is holding a needle and pointing it at the thread on top of a piece of fabric
Mini tutorial de bordado: Nudo francés