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Красивый платок или тонкий шарф всегда украсит ваш наряд….#irenebutsch #fashion #djaurm#style #tips
Из полукруглого шарфа можно сделать блузку…#irenebutsch #fashion #fashionstyle #tricks #tips
Идеи с платками..#irenebutsch #fashion #styletips #style #styling #fashionstyle #beauty
Melhor forma de pendurar seu shorts #dicas #roupas #organization #explore #explorepage #organização
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Если вы хотите добавить рукава…#irenebutsch #fashion #styletips #styling #tips
Короткий широкий пуловер можно применить по новому…#irenebutsch #fashion #styling #tips
Una ingeniosa idea de decorar con una manta #home #ideashogar #hogar
9M views · 34K reactions | Folding clothes the right way | Folding clothes the right way | By DIY Panda | Let's master together the art of folding. First up, let's see how you can fold those hoodies perfectly. Finally, fold each sleeve towards the center. Your hoodie is now a tidy box shaped bundle. Next, let's optimise space by folding underwear efficiently. Now, let's move on to pants. Fold them smartly for a crisp and organized look. Folding clothes properly, it's an awesome way to save drawer space. This method keeps your jackets wrinkle free and ready to wear at a moment's notice. Time to say hello to a tidier closet and goodbye to clothing chaos.