
Well I don't need those magical fairy castle behind me . Cause I only need the unimaginable , unheard and unthinkable castle in heaven of Allah 😌 This is the photo magical castle in Imagica , Mumbai . The Indian largest theme park . Or In Asia , perhaps ?
Mujhe dosti karoge ? Aapka nam ? Mera nam Anjali . Mana SRK tak keluar2 ni . This photo was taken at Mannat house aka Shah Rukh Khan house , Mumbai
"Sesiapa yg tertinggal dalam gerabak dakwah ini dialah yg rugi" Klische but yet very true . Kerana gerabak itu tidak selaju dan selancar gerabak roller coaster . #MelayudiMumbai #DaribollywoodtoTarbiyahood #Mumbaikamidatang This photo was taken at Adlabs Imagica, Mumbai
Rock Paper Scissors . Rock or flowers ? This photo was taken at Rock Garden of Chandigarh
Jelas tergambar sangat keasingan aku sebagai budak melayu kat bumi India ni di kelilingi orang2 tempatan di sini . Dan dengan keasingan ini lah aku temui semula hati aku yang telah hilang . Bukan menidakkan Islam di Malaysia . Tidak sama sekali . Cuma kerana dengan kuasa Allah yg menggerakkan hati hamba hambaNya dan dengan usaha mereka yg tanpa jemu menyampaikan dakwah dan tarbiyahMu di bumi Maududi ini aku temui semula tujuan hidup yg tersasar selama ini .
"Seek and you will find it." Hanya gerhana, belum tenggelamnya matahari . Harapan masih ada . The sunrise scenery at Nandi Hill . Masha Allah , this is too beautiful ! And those cloud nine is Subhanallah !
"If It is meant for you , Allah will make its way to you " This photo was taken at Nandhi Hill . The view was really mesmerising, especially during sunrise
" Anak itu ibarat seperti kain putih, ibu bapalah yang akan mencorakkannya menjadi nasrani, yahudi ataupun majusi ". This is Masrat , 8 years old . She is Yusouf's niece . Very cute and adorable . This photo of Masrat and me was taken at Bhat Village , Kashmir
Who 's this good looking guy ? Well , he's our travel agent . And he also is a good chef at home . His Kashmiri meatball is a damn finger licking . This picture of Yusouf and me was taken when we're riding a gondola at Dal Lake , Srinagar , Kashmir .
Seorang mu’min terhadap sesama mu’min bagaikan satu bangunan yang setengahnya menguatkan setengahnya, lalu Nabi Saw. mengeramkan jari-jarinya. (Bukhari, Muslim) Dan langkah bermula : berlapang dada This picture was taken at Pahalgam , Kashmir
Most of Kashmiri people is a Muslim . And hence , this picture was taken at Hazratbal Mosque , Kashmir . By the way , the tree in the picture looks like a Whomping Willow in a Harry Potter , right ? Lulz
Beware of masturdating . Sometimes it can be terminally fatal . I also do love masturdating sometimes , but please know your way back home , dear . This picture was taken at Bhat Village , Kashmir
" Heaven of the world " - they said . And indeed , IT IS the heaven of the world . Subhanallah . Tak terjangkau imaginasi ini , secantik mana pula syurga Allah. This picture was taken at Dal lake , Srinagar , Kashmir .
Can't resist myself for not taking your picture , young lady . The men and women of Kashmiri locals is so beautiful / handsome . They have that rosy cheek and pointed nose . Oh , me is so envy . This picture was taken at Dal Lake , Srinagar , Kashmir