AP Human Geography

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gender – Dasiba Tamale!
Education is the Single Best Way to End or Reduce Poverty & We Need To Fund It, Not Take Away This Support. Vote for Education. Vote Bernie S.
Dredgit Corporation
Oil And Gas In The World Economy Infographic #News from Mauritius Oil and Gas, Boulle Mining Group http://www.jboullemininggroup.com www.boulle.com
33 Commonly Misunderstood Words & Phrases Infographic
33 Commonly Misunderstood Words & Phrases Infographic from Cheatography.
MIMAL is a geographical acronym referring to five states in the United States: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana.The term is used as reference to the fictional person of Mimal the Elf or Chef, whose body is composed of the five states found on the west bank of the Mississippi River. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIMAL #Geography #MIMAL
What does your state do best? This is a surprise on some states--especially, Illinois has higher gangs members than California??!!
Google Earth and Google Maps in the Classroom
Help your students travel the world by using Google Maps and Google Earth in Your Middle School and Elementary School Classroom! #googleearth #googlemaps #taskcards #middleschool #elementarysocialstudies
The World's Richest Countries And Biggest Economies, In 2 Graphics
GDP (Current Exchange Rate) Gross Domestic Product — GDP — may have its limits. But it's a useful, broad measure for looking at national economies. It's basically the total dollar value of all of the goods and services a country produces in a year.