Primary colors: SLATE GRAY

24 Pins
gray jay
Gray | Grey | Gris | | Grigio | | Gur | Colour | Texture | Pattern | Style | Design | Composition | Jay Bird
Analogue Life
spoons and forks by Yuichi Takemata April 18th, 2012 Metal artist Yuichi Takemata got his start apprenticing at a jewelry atelier to learn the craft of jewelry making. He later went independent, designing and producing his own work and eventually opening a small retail shop in Kanazawa.
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The Henley Slate Gray |
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Girls Gym Shorts in Slate Gray |
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The Tank in Slate Gray |
Jodi Stevens. impediment 2009 .....I saw someone else pin this same piece labeling it "Grey Matter"
Ari Signes Designs
This Bunny is the most pinned thing on my site. I put it up as a giggle. IT HAS A LIFE OF ITS OWN!!!!! seriously why has some one screwed up a bunny and put it in a pocket?
Perlhuhnfedern by herz-allerliebst, via Flickr