Insurance - Long Term Care

34 Pins
10 Reasons Why You Should Have Long Term Care Insurance
Are your 401(k) dollars working as hard as possible for you? Sometimes, “lazy” retirement dollars can be repurposed to provide different value in retirement. Want to learn more, Let's Talk ☎️ 817-249-8200
You’ve done an amazing job preparing for #retirement. Congrats! What if you could use some of those dollars to help provide for future extended care needs. Let’s Talk ☎️ 817-249-8200 #todaysbenefitsgroup #yourmoney #longtermcare #retirementprotection #annuitycare #leavealegacy
There’s a 70% chance you’ll need long term care after age 65. We have great alternative plans to help you cover the gap! #todaysbenefitsgroup #longtermcare #greatIncomegap
Put it to good use. Get tax-free long-term care benefits with Annuity Care #todaysbenefitsgroup #longtermcare #retirementprotection #annuitycare #yourmoney
Does your long-term care protection allow a refund of your cash surrender value if you need your premium back or change your mind? Ours does! #todaysbenefitsgroup #longtermcare #retirementprotection #annuitycare #yourmoney
With #AnnuityCare, if you don’t use all of your long-term care benefit, the remaining money can be passed on to your heirs. #todaysbenefitsgroup #yourmoney #longtermcare #retirementprotection #annuitycare #leavealegacy
69% say most people need long-term care insurance, but only 57% say they personally need it.
Did you know there are annuities that can be used to pay for long-term care? If your tax-deferred annuity doesn’t offer this benefit, we should take. #todaysbenefitsgroup #longtermcare #annuitycare #retirementprotection
A home health aide costs about $42,000 per year. Most health and government programs don’t cover this. I can help! ☎️ 817-249-8200 #todaysbenefitsgroup #longtermcare #retirementstrategy #greatIncomegap
2024 Cost of Senior Living and Long-Term Care
Learn the differences in long term care costs between in-home care, nursing homes and assisted living. Find the solution that is right for you!
Long-Term-Care Insurance: Weighing the Alternatives
How much of Long Term Care are people buying?