My shiny teeth and me

I'm a dental assistant... Teeth jokes are funny
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Dentaltown - Where The Dental Community Lives®
Dentaltown - So, you're allergic to Tylenol but not Percocet.
MAYBE IF THERE WAS A NATIONAL MONUMENT to oral hygiene, people would take better care of their teeth!
Dentaltown - Where The Dental Community Lives®
Umm yeah, if you could brush your teeth once in a while... That'd be great. Dentaltown - Dentally Incorrect
Seriously how funny is this toothpaste palette Dental Hyiene Nation made...
Every Dental Office: Dental Assistant: Does 99% of the dental work Front Office…
or like taking a shower and not washing between your legs.
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
You're telling me that when I don't brush and floss before bed that bacteria poops acid in my mouth all night? #Dentaltown #DentallyIncorrect #HowardFarran
Why my dental hygienist is a terrorist
Funny! Do you clean the whole tooth?