Oda dekoru

63 Pins
modelo de sinal de silhueta arco boho. para moldura de design de logotipo, convite de casamento, corte a laser, menu, cartão de lugar, sobreposição de fotos.
TROFAST HACK • @imfionaho used a secondhand Trofast find to create this rotating bookcase - it can hold an amazing 80 plus books!! Here is what Fiona used for her clever hack: 1 Trofast unit 4 Bekvam spice racks for the sides 1 lazy susan - Fiona uses one from Bunnings, but maybe SNUDDA would also work? Alternatively, there are some good alternatives on Amazon (if you want the links I have found, just comment SUSAN and I'll send it over) MDF for creating some shelves and a base for the ...