Doing my thing

16 Pins
How to Can Apple Slices (Crispy & Sweet) | Reformation Acres
Learn how to can apple slices so that they are still sweet yet full of fresh fruit flavor and best of all are still crisp after canning! #canning #foodpreservation #apples #homesteading #selfsufficiency
Are You Making These Canning Mistakes?
Food Preservation for Beginners: Learn the most common canning mistakes and how to avoid them. Can your food safely!
Canning Soup: Adapt Your Recipe to Make It Safe for Home Canning
Ever wondered about canning vegetable soup at home? Learn how to pressure can your own soup recipe...safely! The result? A delicious, fast meal in a jar. Learn more at #SimplyCanning #CanningSoup #Soup
Canning Strawberries
Canning Strawberries ~ How to Can Strawberries at Home ~ Whole Strawberries or Slices ~ Easy water bath canner recipe
Preserving Food: Freezing, Canning and Pickling Food
Canning Recipes for learning how to can food. Water bath canning and pressure can canning recipes and instructions. Preserve your own food and fill your pantry. #food #canning #canningrecipe #preservingfood
Canning Corn with the raw pack or hot pack method
Although canning corn takes a bit more time than canning other vegetables, it's totally worth it. Canned corn is great to keep in the home preserved pantry to use as an ingredient in other dishes or as a side dish by itself. Lean how to can corn with this step by step guide using the hot pack or raw pack method. #PreservingFood #Homesteading #FromScratch
Common Canning Mistakes that Need to be Fixed Now
Canning Mistakes That Can KILL YOU! If you're a canner or want to be you need to know the mistakes you can make water bath and pressure canning that can make you very sick.
100+ Canning Recipes from A to Z (How to Can Everything)
How to Can Everything ~ 100+ Canning Recipes for Organized from A to Z for Preserving the Harvest
100+ Home Canning Recipes and Resources
Do you have a bountiful garden? Check out these 100+ home canning recipes and resources so that you know exactly how to preserve all that harvest! Food Preservation | Home Canning | Pressure Canning | Water Bath Canning | How to Can at Home
21 Foods You Can Preserve in a Water Bath Canner (So Easy!)