Mi fortaleza

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ORA por tus HIJOS
Nunca dejemos de orar. La oración de una madre por sus hijos cubre todas sus áreas. Amen. Bendecidos!
More to Be - StableMinded with Lisa Pulliam
How often do you doubt God's faithfulness? Do you sometimes feel abandoned by Him? He is faithful. He is there for you.
Felicia Hemans Casabianca - Poem
Months of off and on sleep. Endless long nights of worry and stress. Just want some answers but I know in God's time, It will all work out. In His time and His way but in the mean time, He will provide the strength that I need to get us through it ALL!!!!!
Hey if anyone ever needs someone to talk to I'm here. No matter what time it is comment or message me and I will listen I promise. Don't be afraid to ask.
En los momentos de desesperanza, cuando parece que hemos llegado al final de nuestras vidas y estamos cansados.
Jesús le respondió: —Escrito está: “No sólo de pan vive el hombre, sino de toda palabra que sale de la boca de Dios.”
Pon tu esperanza siempre en Dios, a pesar de la prueba.
"Show me how to love the unloveable, show me how to reach the unreachable..." -quote by Matthew West in his song forgiveness