Shelly Lawton Gallery- Contemporary Canadian Indigenous Artist

This is my board to display art work from my website Prints available on Etsy at shellylawtongallery. All images by Shelly Lawton Gallery ©shellylawtongallery Aboriginal, Canadian, Indigenous, First Nations, American Indian, Art, prints, digital illustrations, landscapes, animals, artifacts, Northwest coast, prairie, subarctic.
26 Pins
Shelly Lawton Gallery
“Yudázı̨ nı̨łts'ı - North Wind”, digital illustration. Please check out my website, or my store on Etsy for more info and ordering.
Shelly Lawton Gallery
©shellylawtongallery Check out my Etsy store ShellyLawtonGallery for info and ordering.
Shelly Lawton Gallery
©shellylawtongallery Check out my Etsy store ShellyLawtonGallery for info and ordering.
Shelly Lawton Gallery
ɂı̨́yes t'o- Bird’s Nest, Digital Illustration 2018. Check out or my Etsy shop ShellyLawtonGallery for info and prints.
Shelly Lawton Gallery - Sketches
Prints available in various sizes. Contact for info.
Shelly Lawton Gallery - Sketches
Prints available in various sizes. Contact for info.
Shelly Lawton Gallery - Sketches
Prints available in various sizes. Contact for info.
Shelly Lawton Gallery - Forest Voices
Indigenous Canadian artist living in Calgary, Alberta. My artwork is influenced by my Chippewa - Dene heritage and the Aboriginal cultures that surround Southern Alberta and the Northwest coast of British Columbia. My art work and art journal display my exploration, research and process of reclaiming my Native American heritage as a 60's scoop adoptee.
Shelly Lawton Gallery - Forest Voices
Indigenous Canadian artist living in Calgary, Alberta. My artwork is influenced by my Chippewa - Dene heritage and the Aboriginal cultures that surround Southern Alberta and the Northwest coast of British Columbia. My art work and art journal display my exploration, research and process of reclaiming my Native American heritage as a 60's scoop adoptee.
Shelly Lawton Gallery - Forest Voices
Indigenous Canadian artist living in Calgary, Alberta. My artwork is influenced by my Chippewa - Dene heritage and the Aboriginal cultures that surround Southern Alberta and the Northwest coast of British Columbia. My art work and art journal display my exploration, research and process of reclaiming my Native American heritage as a 60's scoop adoptee.
Shelly Lawton Gallery - Forest Voices
Indigenous Canadian artist living in Calgary, Alberta. My artwork is influenced by my Chippewa - Dene heritage and the Aboriginal cultures that surround Southern Alberta and the Northwest coast of British Columbia. My art work and art journal display my exploration, research and process of reclaiming my Native American heritage as a 60's scoop adoptee.
Shelly Lawton Gallery
Sa háɂá- Sunrise. Digital Illustration, 2018. Check out or my Etsy store ShellyLawtonGallery for info and ordering prints.
Shelly Lawton Gallery - Sketches
Prints available in various sizes. Contact for info.