
38 Pins
Love These Lyrics. My Relationships In A Nutshell. Lol.
Love This Song...Inspired by a Sermon I saw yesterday. All about eminent change.
Beautiful Lyrics To Previously Pinned Video...
One of my favorite Female Artists. Lyrics that are profoundly relevant to my life right now. Had the great fortune of seeing her live on The Lilith Fair Tour back in 97' and The Afterglow Tour in 03'
One Of My Favorite Police Tracks....
Hauntingly beautiful...Though the lyrics are a bit confounding. The song is based on a novel called " The Sheltering Sky" which I never read, but will someday. To me the song was about being lost in the gaze of another in the middle of The Sahara. Enjoying just each other's company while waiting to be found.
Inspired by a Sermon I watched today. Never forget that God's got a hand on you.