
63 Pins
Chicken Dust Bath Recipe: Best Ingredients to Use
Come learn how to make a chicken dust bath to keep your chickens healthy and parasite-free with our simple chicken dust bath recipe. The post explains the best ingredients to use in a chicken dust bath, what to avoid, container ideas, the best place to locate it in the chicken coop or run, how to protect dust baths from rain, and more. Also learn the risks and benefits of using lime, diatomaceous earth (DE), sand and herbs in a chicken dust bath.
Adding Dried Herbs In The Chicken Feed Mix.
Are you using dried herbs in your chicken feed? Discover how this natural addition can transform your poultry's health! What benefits could herbs offer? Are your chickens missing out? Find out how to supercharge your flock's diet with herbs now!
Make A Dust Bath For Chickens In Just 5 Minutes!
Make a dust bath for your backyard chickens in just 5 minutes with this DIY tutorial! #backyardchickens #chickens #gardening #homesteading #survival #home