
One of a series of boards highlighting Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museum's collections - this displays part of the textiles collection Ophreys are detailed bands of embroidery. Originally on clerical vestments, the orphreys on this board were made in the first half of the fifteenth century but were applied to an altar frontal in the 17th century. They show pairs of saints, one male and one female, beneath architectural canopies.
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St James and St Catherine
Orphrey (1430 - 60) - St James the Less with a club and St Catherine with a wheel and sword
Orphrey with St Simon
Orphrey (1430 - 60) - unidentified female saint with palm and St Simon with a saw
1974.T143 Ophreys - applied to altar-frontal
Orphreys of 1430-60 and 1500-38 applied to a later altar-frontal
St Cecilia and St Matthew
Orphrey (1430 - 60) - St Cecilia with circlet (?) and St Matthew with book (?)
St Mary Magdalene and St Thomas
Orphrey (1430 - 60) - St Mary Magdalene with a jar and St Thomas with a lance
Orphrey with St Andrew
Orphrey (1430 - 60) - unidentified female saint with iron comb and St Andrew with a cross
Orphrey with St Peter
Orphrey (1430 - 60) - St Peter with key and unidentified female saint (St Barbara with chalice?)