12cj WEAVING in Foot Power Looms

tools – Manuscript Art
Giovanni Boccaccio, De Claris mulieribus, traduction anonyme en français Livre des femmes nobles et renommees Source: gallica.bnf.fr Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Français 598, fol. 13r. 15th century
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Medieval Illustrations of Spinning, Weaving and Combing. Combs with iron teeth set at a right angle to the handle were used to comb wool. Used in pairs, the combs were either held one in each hand or one comb was set in a stand (see above) and the other was held in the hand. In England, this type of wool comb has been found in archaeological sites dating to the sixth century.
BURKINA FASO - (HAUTE-VOLTA) -- Tisserand au travail - voir " | For sale on Delcampe"
Africa | "The weaver". Republic of Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso). Dated 1974 || Scanned postcard; published by Manfred Biecher
Peru - man weaving on a horizontal foot loom
horizontal foot loom with a warp weighted by a drag-stone, northwest of Lake Titicaca, Peru.
Foot-power loom weaving : Worst, Edward F. (Edward Francis), 1866-1949 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Foot-power loom weaving
Elektronische Dienste der Stadt Nürnberg
1425 loom and balls of wool Die Hausbücher der Nürnberger Zwölfbrüderstiftungen