Postmodernismus (ab Anglico postmodern, vocabulo primum annis 1870 adhibito) est motus in artibus, architectura, et iudicio litterario qui a modernismo abiit.[1][2] Scepticas culturae, litterarum, artis, philosophiae, historiae, oeconomicae, architecturae, fictionis, et iudicii litterarii interpretationes comprehendit. Hodie cum deconstructione et poststructuralismo saepe consociatur quia eius usus populo gratus eodem tempore ac poststructuralis saeculi vicensimi cogitatio fiebatur.

Ioannes Franciscus Lyotard, qui postmodernismo saeculo vicensimo exeunte insigniter studebat et notionem condicionis postmodernae proposuit. Photographema a Bracha L. Ettinger factum, 1995.

Nomen postmodernismus permultis motibus adhibetur, multis in arte, musica, et litteris inventis, qui certas inclinationes in modernismo rettulerunt, et usitate per redintegrationem elementorum et rationum historicarum notantur.[3]

Nexus interni

  2. Ruth Reichl, Cook's November 1989; Definitio verbi postmodern in American Heritage Dictionary.
  3. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (2004).


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  • Norris, Christopher. 1990. What's Wrong with Postmodernism: Critical Theory and the Ends of Philosophy. ISBN 0-8018-4137-2.
  • Pangle, Thomas L. 1991. The Ennobling of Democracy: The Challenge of the Postmodern Age. Baltimorae: The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-4635-8.
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  • Przychodzen, Janusz. Discourses of Postmodernism. PDF.
  • Sim, Stuart. 1999. The Routledge Critical Dictionary of Postmodern Thought. ISBN 0-415-92353-0.
  • Sokal, Alan, et Jean Bricmont. 1998. Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science. ISBN 0-312-20407-8.
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  • Woods, Tim. 1999. Beginning Postmodernism. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 0-7190-5210-6, ISBN 0-7190-5211-4.

Nexus externi

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