Pragmatismus est traditio philosophica quae in Civitatibus Foederatis circa 1870 orta est.[1] Quod Carolus Sanders Peirce, late conditor habitus, tandem descripsit in aphorismo pragmatico:
Consule in utiles rerum tuae notionis effectus. Tum tua notio illorum effectuum est tua rei notio omnis.[2][3]
Pragmatism notionem propositum cogitationis esse realitatem describendam, repraesentandam, vel repercutendam reicit.[4] Potius, pragmatistae cogitationem habent instrumentum praedictionis, problematum solvendorum, et actionis. Pragmatistae affirmant plurimas res philosophicas—sicut natura scientiae, lingua, notiones, significatio, fides, et scientia—optime videri per earum usus effectivos et successus. Philosophia pragmatismi "vehementius dicit utilem notionum adhibitionem per eas actandas ut in experentiis humanis probentur."[5][6] Pragmatism focuses on a “changing universe rather than an unchanging one as the Idealists, Realists and Thomists had claimed”.[6]
Vocabulum pragmatismus est terminus technicus in philosophia qui certam copiam coniunctarum opinionum philsophicarum attingit quae saeculo undevicensimo exeunte ortae sunt; locutio autem saepe cum pragmatismo in circumiectis politicis confunditur (quod attingit civilitatem vel diplomatiam plerumque in rationibus utilibus conditam, potius quam in notionibus ideologicis) et cum usu pragmatismi non technico in circumiectis usitatis quae res in vita verisimiliter attingunt et modo qui in elementis utilibus, non abstractis conditur.
Nexus interni
recensere- ↑ Pragmatism. 13 September 2013
- ↑ Anglice: "Consider the practical effects of the objects of your conception. Then, your conception of those effects is the whole of your conception of the object."
- ↑ C. S. Peirce(1878), "How to Make Our Ideas Clear," Popular Science Monthly 12:286–302. Commetarus saepe repimpressus, ut in Collected Papers 5, paragrapha 388–410 et Essential Peirce 1:124–141.
- ↑ William James (1909). The Meaning of Truth.
- ↑ Anglice: "emphasizes the practical application of ideas by acting on them to actually test them in human experiences."
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Gutek, Gerald (2014). Philosophical, Ideological, and Theoretical Perspectives On Education. Nova Caesarea: Pearson. pp. 76,100.
recensere- Baldwin, James Mark, ed. 1901–1905. Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology. 3 vol. in 4. Novi Eboraci: Macmillan.
- Dewey, John. (1900–1901), 1991. Lectures on Ethics 1900–1901, ed. Donald F. Koch. Carbondale et Edwardsville Illinoesiae: Southern Illinois University Press.
- Dewey, John. 1910. How We Think. Lexingtoniae Massachusettae: D.C. Heath. Reimpressus: Novi Eboraci: Prometheus Books, Buffalo, 1991.
- Dewey, John. 1929. The Quest for Certainty: A Study of the Relation of Knowledge and Action. Novi Eboraci: Minton, Balch, and Company. Reimpressus in John Dewey: The Later Works, 1925–1953, Volume 4: 1929, ed. Jo Ann Boydston et Harriet Furst Simon; praefatio Stephen Toulmin. Carbondale et Edwardsville Illinoesiae: Southern Illinois University Press, 1984.
- Dewey, John. 1932. Theory of the Moral Life. Pars 2 John Dewey et James H. Tufts, Ethics, Novi Eboraci: Henry Holt and Company, 1908. Ed. 2a., Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1932.
- Dewey, John. 1938. Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. Novi Eboraci: Henry Holt and Company.
- James, William. 1902. "Pragmatism|Pragmatic and Pragmatism." In Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, 3 vol. in 4, ed. J. M. Baldwin. Novi Eboraci: Macmillan.
- James, William. 1907. Pragmatism, A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, Popular Lectures on Philosophy. Novi Eboraci: Longmans, Green, and Company.
- James, William. 1909 The Meaning of Truth, A Sequel to 'Pragmatism. Novi Eboraci: Longmans, Green, and Company.
- Lundin, Roger. 2006. From Nature to Experience: The American Search for Cultural Authority. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Peirce, C. S.. 1931–1935, 1958. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vols. 1–6, ed. Charles Hartshorne et Paul Weiss; vols. 7–8, ed. Arthur W. Burks. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press.
- Peirce, C. S. 1992. The Essential Peirce, Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume 1 (1867–1893), ed. Nathan Houser et Christian Kloesel. Bloomingtoniae et Indianapoli: Indiana University Press.
- Peirce, C. S. 1998. The Essential Peirce, Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume 2 (1893–1913). ed. Peirce Edition Project. Bloomingtoniae et Indianapoli: Indiana University Press.
- Peirce, C. S. 1878. How to Make Our Ideas Clear. Popular Science Monthly 12:286–302.
- Putnam, Hilary. 1994. Words and Life, ed. James Conant. Cantabrigiae Massachusettae: Harvard University Press.
- Quine, Willard Van. 1951 Two Dogmas of Empiricism. Philosophical Review.
- Quine, W. V. 1980. From a Logical Point of View: Logico-Philosophical Essays. Ed. 2a. Cantabrigiae Massachusetae: Harvard University Press.
- Ramsey, F. P. 1927. Facts and Propositions. Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 7, 153–170.
- Ramsey, F. P. 1990. Philosophical Papers, ed. David Hugh Mellor. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
- Rescher, N. 1977. Methodological Pragmatism. Oxoniae: Blackwell.
- Rescher, N. 2000. Realistic Pragmatism. Albany, SUNY Press.
Textus iudicii
recensere- Younkins, Edward W. Dewey's Pragmatism and the Decline of Education.
- Pragmatism. Ayn Rand Lexicon.
- Schinz, Albert. 1909. Anti-Pragmatism: An Examination into the Respective Rights of Intellectual Aristocracy and Social Democracy. Bostoniae: Small, Maynard and Company.
Bibliographia addita
recensere- Allen, James Sloan. 2014. William James on Habit, Will, Truth, and the Meaning of Life.
- Anderson, Elizabeth. Dewey's Moral Philosophy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Browning, Douglas, et William T. Myers, eds. 1998. Philosophers of Process.
- Burch, Robert. Charles Sanders Peirce. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Burke, F. Thomas. 2013. What Pragmatism Was.
- Dennett, Daniel. 1998. Postmodernism and Truth.
- Dewey, John. 1910. The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy and Other Essays.
- Dewey, John. 1929. The Quest for Certainty: A Study of the Relation of Knowledge and Action.
- Dewey, John. 1930. Three Independent Factors in Morals.
- Dewey, John. 1938. Experience & Education.
- Dewey, John. Lectures on Ethics 1900–1901. Ed. Donald F. Koch.
- De Waal, Cornelis. 2005. On Pragmatism.
- Edel, Abraham. 1993. Pragmatic Tests and Ethical Insights. In Ethics at the Crossroads: Normative Ethics and Objective Reason, ed. George F. McLean et Richard Wollak.
- Eldridge, Michael. 1998. Transforming Experience: John Dewey's Cultural Instrumentalism.
- Fabbri, Lorenzo. 2008. The domestication of Derrida: Rorty, pragmatism and deconstruction.
- Field, Richard. John Dewey (1859-1952). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Hare, Peter H., Michel Weber, James K. Swindler, Oana-Maria Pastae, et Cerasel Cuteanu, eds. 2009. International Perspectives on Pragmatism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 9781443801942).
- Hildebrand, David L. 2003. Beyond Realism & Anti-Realism.
- Hildebrand, David L. 2003. The Neopragmatist Turn. Southwest Philosophy Review 19(1), Ianuarius.
- James, William. 1896. The Will to Believe.
- James, William James. 1907. Pragmatism, A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking, Popular Lectures on Philosophy.
- Egginton, William, et Mike Sandbothe, eds. 2004. The Pragmatic Turn in Philosophy. Contemporary Engagement between Analytic and Continental Thought.
- Haack, Susan. 1997. Vulgar Rortyism. Recognition The New Criterion, November.
- Lakoff, George, and Mark Johnson. 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought.
- Lekan, Todd. 2003. Making Morality: Pragmatist Reconstruction in Ethical Theory.
- Lewis, C. I. 1929. Mind and the World Order: Outline of a Theory of Knowledge.
- Macarthur, David. 2009. Pragmatism, Metaphysical Quietism and the Problem of Normativity. Philosophical Topics 36(1).
- Maitra, Keya. 2003. On Putnam.
- Margolis, Joseph. 1995. Historied Thought, Constructed World.
- Menand, Louis. 2001. The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America.
- Misak, Cheryl, ed. 2007. The New Pragmatists. Oxoniae: Oxford University Press.
- Olson, Gary A., et Stephen Toulmin. 1993. Literary Theory, Philosophy of Science, and Persuasive Discourse: Thoughts from a Neo-premodernist. Colloquium interrogatorium in JAC 13(2).
- Pietarinen, A. V. 2006. Interdisciplinarity and Peirce's classification of the Sciences: A Centennial Reassessment. Perspectives on Science 14(2):127–152.
- Putnam, Hilary. 1981. Reason, Truth and History.
- Quine, Willard Van Orman. 1951. Two Dogmas of Empiricism. Philosophical Review, Ianuarius.
- Quine, Willard Van Orman. 1969. Ontological Relativity and Other Essays.
- Rescher, N. Process Philosophy. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Rorty, Richard. 1998. Rorty Truth and Progress: Philosophical Papers. Vol. 3.
- Sandbothe, Mike. 2005. Pragmatic Media Philosophy.
- Toulmin, Stephen. 1958. The Uses of Argument.
- Weber, Michel, ed. 2004. After Whitehead: Rescher on Process Metaphysics. Francofurti, Lutetiae, et Lancaster: Ontos Verlag. ISBN 3937202498.
- Weber, Michel. 2011. Whitehead's Pancreativism: Jamesian Applications. Francofurti et Lutetiae: Ontos Verlag.
Nexus externi
recensere- Periodica et societates
- Contemporary Pragmatism. International Pragmatism Society.
- European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy. Associazione Culturale Pragma. Italia.
- Nordic Studies in Pragmatism. Nordic Pragmatism Network.
- Pragmatism Today. Central European Pragmatist Forum.
- Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society. Charles S. Peirce Society.
- William James Studies. William James Society.
- Alii fontes et societates
- Pragmatist Sociology.
- Pragmatism Cybrary.
- Arisbe: The Peirce Gateway.
- Center for Dewey Studies.
- Centro de Estudos sobre Pragmatismo. Center for Pragmatism Studies Bradilia.
- Charles S. Peirce Studies.
- Dutch Pragmatism Foundation.
- Helsinki Peirce Research Center. Finniae.
- Institute for American Thought.
- John Dewey Society.
- Peirce Edition Project.
- Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy.