Nexus interni
- ↑ Etiam fortasse prophetia, a vocabulo Graeco propheteia 'donum voluntatis Dei interpretatum' ex Graeco prophetes ("Prophecy" in Online Etymology Dictionary).
- Adamson, Peter. 2014. Prophecy. In Muhammad in History, Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God. 2 voll., ed C. Fitzpatrick et A. Walker. Sanctae Barbarae: ABC-CLIO. ISBN 1610691776.
- Alcalay, Reuben. 1996. The Complete Hebrew–English dictionary. Novi Eboraci: Hemed Books. ISBN 978-965-448-179-3.
- Ashe, Geoffrey. 2001. Encyclopedia of Prophecy. Sanctae Barbarae: ABC-Clio.
- Aune, David Edward. 1963. Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediterranean World. Grand Rapids Michiganiae: Eerdmans. ISBN 0-8028-3584-8.
- Beyer, Jürgen. 2002. "Prophezeiungen." Enzyklopädie des Märchens: Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung, 10, coll. 1419–32. Berolini et Novi Eboraci: Walter de Gruyter.
- Campbell, Stacey. 2008. Ecstatic Prophecy. Grand Rapids Michiganiae: Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-8007-9449-1.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero. 1997. De divinatione. Conv. Arthur Stanley Pease. Darmstadiae: Wissenschaflliche Buchgesellschaft.
- Festinger, Leon, Henry W. Riecken, et Stanley Schachter. 1956. When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World. Minneapoli: University of Minnesota Press. ISBN 1-59147-727-1.
- Forbes, Christopher. 1997. Prophecy and Inspired Speech: in Early Christianity and Its Hellenistic Environment. Peabody Massachusettae: Hendrickson. ISBN 1-56563-269-9.
- Hill, Clifford S. 1991. Prophecy, Past and Present: an Exploration of the Prophetic Ministry in the Bible and the Church today. Ann Arbor Michiganiae: Vine. ISBN 0-8028-0635-X.
- Helm, June. 1994. Prophecy and Power among the Dogrib Indians. Lincolniae: University of Nebraska Press.
- Minois, Georges. 2002. Die Geschichte der Prophezeiungen: Orake: Utopien: Prognosen. Dusseldorpiae: Albatros. ISBN 3-491-96043-6.
- Pickover, Clifford A. 2001. Dreaming the Future: The Fantastic Story of Prediction. Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-57392-895-X.
- Randi, James. 1993. The Mask of Nostradamus: Prophecies of the World's Famous Seer. Prometheus Books. ISBN 0-87975-830-9.
- Rowley, H. H. 1956. Prophecy and Religion in Ancient China and Israel. Novi Eboraci: Harper & Brothers.
- Thompson, Jim. 2008. Prophecy Today: a Further Word from God?: Does God-Given Prophecy Continue in Today's Church, or Doesn't It? Evangelical Press. ISBN 978-0-85234-673-0.
- Tucker, Thomas George. 1985. Etymological Dictionary of Latin. Ares Publishers. ISBN 978-0-89005-172-6.