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Parsons, Richard D

LC control no.n 79052628
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingParsons, Richard D.
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Variant(s)Parsons, Richard Dean
Birth date1946-08-06
Found inMeyers, J. Mental health consultation in the schools, 1979 (a.e.) t.p. (Richard D. Parsons) jkt. (asst. prof. psych, Our Lady of Angels Coll.)
Passive aggressiveness, theory and practice, 1983 (a.e.) CIP t.p. (Richard Dean Parsons, Ph. D.) CIP galley (asso. prof. psychol. & asst. academic dean, Neumann Coll., Aston, Pa.) CIP data sheet (b. 8/6/46)