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48 Hour Film Race Kick-Off

48 Hour Film Race Kick-Off

Can you write, film, and edit a movie in only 48 hours? 

Put your cinematographic skills to the test during the 48 Hour Film Race, hosted by UK Libraries and the Student Media Depot. On Friday, March 28, teams of students will draw four film elements out of a hat – genre, character, prop, and a line of dialogue – and then set off on a mad dash of movie magic before turning in their films 48 hours later.

On Friday, April 4, all participants and the UK campus community are invited for a film screening and award ceremony featuring all the completed films. A panel of judges will give out prizes and superlative awards and announce the winner of the Best Film. 

To participate, attend the registration check-in and kick-off meeting in the Student Media Depot in the basement of Young Library on Friday, March 28 at 6:00 pm. All participating students must be in attendance.

Please contact Robby Hardesty at rhardesty@uky.edu with any questions.

Friday, March 28, 2025
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Young Library Hub (Basement)
Everyone Undergraduate Students

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Robby Hardesty