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UK Libraries is the central meeting ground and primary intellectual resource of the University of Kentucky and the repository for the history and culture of the Commonwealth. It is where all thinkers, at all levels and across all disciplines and affiliations, find the information resources and services they need for research, teaching, and learning. 

A gift to UK Libraries supports the entire university community: 

  • Improve our services and spaces
  • Enhance our collections 
  • Provide opportunities to students in need 
  • Advance research and scholarship
  • Further the university’s mission, values, and intellectual vitality 

Help us strengthen our commitment to excellence. What we can do is up to you: we are here to help make your visions for UK Libraries a reality.

Contact Philanthropy

David Timoney


How to Give

  • Make your gift online by visiting our secure online platform and choosing a fund you would like to support. You can make a one-time or repeating gift using your credit card.
  • You can also send a check, payable to UK Libraries, to the following address: William T. Young Library, 500 S. Limestone, Lexington, KY 40506-0456

Annual Giving

Through the generosity and sustained support of annual donors, UK Libraries is able to flexibly respond to emerging priorities and the ever-changing needs of our students as they arise. To become an annual donor, visit our secure online platform and make a recurring donation to the Library Enrichment Fund.

Choose Your Impact

How do you want to make a difference?


Your gifts help us build world-class collections.

Spaces & Technology

Help us improve the spaces and technology available to faculty, students, and staff, and support projects across UK Libraries by giving to the Library Enrichment Fund. Your gifts have helped renovate parts of William T. Young Library and the Medical Center Library, and provide collaborative learning spaces and technological upgrades to our users.

Student Need

Help make a university education more accessible for all Kentuckians by giving to the Alternative Textbook Fund. Since its inception in 2016, the program has leveraged $100,000 in grants into $1.5 million in student savings, impacting over 12,000 students.

Immersive Learning & Enrichment

Support library programs, immersive learning opportunities, and help fund fellowships and internships.

  • Help keep the art of fine printing alive at UK by supporting the King Library Press. Gifts to the King Library Press Fund  support apprenticeships and other immersive learning opportunities to students and community members.
  • Gifts to the Learning Lab Fund support undergraduate research through our Learning Lab Internship program, a paid opportunity for undergraduates to pursue individual, long-term research projects, using rare and unique archival materials from our Special Collections Research Center.